我希望通过将一个PowerShell实例与Excel一起打开来增强最终用户的体验,以便我可以根据需要通过管道传输任何新命令,而不必发出相同的先前命令集(包括要求用户登录)每一次)。有谁知道连接到现有PowerShell实例并执行新命令的方法?用于创建Powershell命令并读取输出的当前方法基于用户“ Nilpo”的以下示例:WshShell object's Exec method
Sub shellTest(command As String)
Dim shell, exec
Dim retVal, output As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set exec = shell.exec(command)
While exec.Status = 0 'still running
Application.Wait (50)
If exec.Status = 2 Then 'failed
retVal = exec.StdErr.ReadAll
retVal = exec.StdOut.ReadAll
End If
If retVal <> "" Then
Debug.Print retVal
End If
End sub
'Feed in commands
Sub Commands()
'Log in to app, somehow need to keep PowerShell open for next command?
shellTest "PowerShell new-pwlogin -BentleyIMS"
'This is where I need to maintain previous command (login) to get user info
shellTest "get-PWCurrentUser"
End Sub