
时间:2019-06-28 05:19:17

标签: java android c java-native-interface


JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_example_tvgui_List_dataFromJNI(
        JNIEnv *env,
        jobject instance,jint size, jobjectArray foo) {
DTV_STRUCT1 *data_info;

data_info = (DTV_STRUCT1*)malloc(sizeof(DTV_STRUCT1));
    if(data_info == NULL){
        __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "LOG_TAG","malloc Failed\n");

    /*This call causes crash*/

> **ERROR :**android invalid address or address of corrupt block 0x70cb08c8 passed to dlfree 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: FATAL ERROR occurring at line:
> 4678
>     least_addr: 0x31b56000, mchunkptr: 0x70cd5208. Segment Infomation: 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc:         base    : 
> size 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc:   000
> 70a41000:  4055040 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui
> A/libc: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HEAP INFO *** *** *** *** *** ***
> *** 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: chunk ptr 0x70cd5208(p), cinuse(0), pinuse(0), chunksize(0) 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc:   70cd5208:  00000000  prev_foot
>       70cd520c:  00000000  head
>       70cd5210:  00000000  fd
>       70cd5214:  00000000  bk 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HEAP
> INFO *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: chunk ptr p->fd is invalid with
> any segment 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: ***
> *** *** *** *** *** *** HEAP INFO *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: chunk ptr p->bk is
> invalid with any segment 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HEAP
> INFO *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: chunk ptr 0x70cd5208(prev),
> cinuse(0), pinuse(0), chunksize(0) 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc:   70cd5208:  00000000  prev_foot
>       70cd520c:  00000000  head
>       70cd5210:  00000000  fd
>       70cd5214:  00000000  bk 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** HEAP
> INFO *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: chunk ptr "next" is invalid with
> any segment 06-28 14:46:19.849 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc:
> heap corruption detected by dlmalloc 06-28 14:46:19.849
> 6519-6519/com.example.tvgui A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at
> 0x00001977 (code=-6), thread 6519 (m.example.tvgui)

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