
时间:2019-06-27 09:02:10

标签: python bloom-filter

我有一个用Python实现的Bloom过滤器,它具有添加新项目和检查过滤器中是否已包含项目的方法。 我想知道假设所有输入都是整数,是否有可能在亚线性空间(或时间)中实现范围查询。如果不是,我应该使用其他技术而不是Python?


class BloomFilter(object):

    def __init__(self, n_items, fp_prob):
        n_items : Number of items expected to be stored in bloom filter
        fp_prob : False Positive probability in decimal
        # False posible probability in decimal
        self.fp_prob = fp_prob

        # Size of bit array to use
        self.size = self.get_bit_array_size(n_items, fp_prob)

        # number of hash functions to use
        self.hash_count = self.get_number_of_hash_functions(self.size, n_items)

        # Bit array of given size
        self.bit_array = bitarray(self.size)

        # initialize all bits as 0

    def len(self):
        return self.size

    def add(self, item):  # add an element to the filter

        hash_values = []
        for i in range(self.hash_count):

            # create hash_value for given item.
            # i work as seed to mmh3.hash() function
            # With different seed, the hash_value created is different

            hash_value = mmh3.hash(bytes(item), i) % self.size

            # set the bit True in bit_array
            self.bit_array[hash_value] = True

    def check(self, item):  # check for element existence

        for i in range(self.hash_count):
            hash_value = mmh3.hash(bytes(item), i) % self.size
            if self.bit_array[hash_value] is False:

                # if any of bit is False then,its not present
                # in filter
                # else there is probability that it exist
                return False
        return True

    # My range query function
    def range_check(self, item, item):

    def get_bit_array_size(self, n_items, prob):
        Return the size of bit array(m) to used using
        following formula
        m = -(n * lg(p)) / (lg(2)^2)
        n : int
            number of items expected to be stored in filter
        p : float
            False Positive probability in decimal
        bit_size = -(n_items * math.log(prob))/(math.log(2)**2)
        return int(bit_size)

    def get_number_of_hash_functions(self, bit_size, n_items):
        Return the hash function(k) to be used using
        following formula
        k = (m/n) * lg(2)

        m : int
            size of bit array
        n : int
            number of items expected to be stored in filter
        n_hash_functions = (bit_size/n_items) * math.log(2)
        return int(n_hash_functions)

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