如何将单个<Flowable <Sample >>展开为Flowable <Sample>?

时间:2019-06-27 07:47:54

标签: json kotlin jackson rx-java rx-java2

我已经定义了以下rxjava(Kotlin)代码来创建无阻塞,背压敏感的生成器。生成器通过Jackson JSON Api JsonParser从Azure Blob存储提供了JSON的非阻塞流,该流提供了非常专业和快速的解析。我的downloadBlob()方法返回一个Single<ByteBuffer>,我将生成器附加到该Single<Flowable<Sample>>上。我无法弄清楚为什么将生成器变量报告为Flowable<Sample>而不是Flowable<Sample>。非常感谢您提出的提取 /** * Method generator parses sample data from a json stream. * @param sampleJsonUrl String is the URL to the Azure Blob Storage sample data. * @return Flowable<Sample>> is a cold, synchronous, stateful and backpressure-aware * generator of features. */ fun generator(sampleJsonUrl: String) = blobStorage.downloadBlob(sampleJsonUrl) .map { bbuf: ByteBuffer -> JsonFactory().createParser(bbuf.array()) } .map { jParser -> Flowable.generate<Sample, JsonParser>( java.util.concurrent.Callable { jParser.gobbleJsonToSamples() }, io.reactivex.functions.BiConsumer<JsonParser, Emitter<Sample>> { parser: JsonParser, emitter: Emitter<Sample> -> pullOrComplete(parser, emitter) }, Consumer<JsonParser> { jParser.close() } ) }.flatMapPublisher { it } /** * Method downloadBlob will retrieve a blob from storage and return a * reactive stream of bytes. * @param url String is the url to the blob. * @return Single<ByteBuffer> is the blob's content. */ override fun downloadBlob(url: String): Single<ByteBuffer> = BlockBlobURL(URL(url), pipeline) .download(null, null, false, null) .flatMap { FlowableUtil .collectBytesInBuffer( it.body(ReliableDownloadOptions().withMaxRetryRequests(3)) ) } 的建议,这是我所需要的。我在这个问题上碰壁...:(



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