KeyError:使用imread下载图像数据集时出现类“ numpy.object_”

时间:2019-06-27 02:23:37

标签: python numpy jupyter-notebook anaconda scikit-image


for i in range(len(classes)):
    if not os.path.exists(saved_dirs[i]):
    saved_dir = saved_dirs[i]
    for url in urls[i]:
        # print(url)
        img = io.imread(url)
        saved_path = os.path.join(saved_dir, url[-20:])
        io.imsave(saved_path, img)

触发网址: 打印触发图像:

[array([[[ 70, 141, 143],
        [ 71, 142, 146],
        [ 67, 141, 144],
        [242, 253, 255],
        [242, 253, 255],
        [242, 253, 255]],

       [[ 61, 135, 136],
        [ 64, 135, 137],
        [ 63, 134, 138],
        [242, 253, 255],
        [242, 253, 255],
        [242, 253, 255]],

       [[ 57, 133, 133],
        [ 63, 137, 138],
        [ 65, 136, 138],
        [242, 253, 255],
        [242, 253, 255],
        [242, 253, 255]],


       [[246, 244, 255],
        [244, 242, 253],
        [244, 242, 253],
        [ 21,  43, 100],
        [ 20,  40, 101],
        [ 22,  42, 103]],

       [[244, 243, 251],
        [243, 241, 252],
        [242, 240, 251],
        [ 26,  49, 103],
        [ 25,  45, 104],
        [ 25,  45, 106]],

       [[244, 243, 251],
        [243, 242, 250],
        [243, 242, 250],
        [ 27,  48, 103],
        [ 26,  45, 104],
        [ 26,  44, 106]]], dtype=uint8)
 array(<PIL.MpoImagePlugin.MpoImageFile image mode=RGB size=3872x2592 at 0x17D8F7434E0>,


KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-b76e704a99f8> in <module>
      8         img = io.imread(url)
      9         saved_path = os.path.join(saved_dir, url[-20:])
---> 10         io.imsave(saved_path, img)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\skimage\io\ in imsave(fname, arr, plugin, **plugin_args)
    137         if fname.lower().endswith(('.tiff', '.tif')):
    138             plugin = 'tifffile'
--> 139     if is_low_contrast(arr):
    140         warn('%s is a low contrast image' % fname)
    141     if arr.dtype == bool:

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\skimage\exposure\ in is_low_contrast(image, fraction_threshold, lower_percentile, upper_percentile, method)
    501         image = rgb2gray(image)
--> 503     dlimits = dtype_limits(image, clip_negative=False)
    504     limits = np.percentile(image, [lower_percentile, upper_percentile])
    505     ratio = (limits[1] - limits[0]) / (dlimits[1] - dlimits[0])

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\skimage\util\ in dtype_limits(image, clip_negative)
     55         warn('The default of `clip_negative` in `skimage.util.dtype_limits` '
     56              'will change to `False` in version 0.15.')
---> 57     imin, imax = dtype_range[image.dtype.type]
     58     if clip_negative:
     59         imin = 0

KeyError: <class 'numpy.object_'>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




结果是,这实际上返回了两个图像或同一图像的层,其中img [0]是您想要的实际图像,而img [1]是在Pillow中读取的错误(模块skimage用于读取图像) )。



from skimage import io
url = ""
img = io.imread(url)



您能显示触发此错误的URL吗?可能是您在if img.shape[0] == 2: img = img[0] 上的格式添加了一些时髦的扩展名。另外,我建议仅打印url[-20:]img img.dtype`,以更好地了解发生的情况。