
时间:2019-06-25 21:06:27

标签: vba


Sub main()

    Dim num As Integer, root As String, pathToFile As String, allOf As Variant, someOf As Variant
    Dim i As Integer, opts() As String, val As Integer
    root = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
    pathToFile = root & "\" & "name" & ".txt"

    num = 5  ' the number of files I may have

    For i = 0 To num - 1  ' loop over all the files
        ReDim Preserve opts(i)
        someOf = read_whole_file(pathToFile)  ' read the file into variant
        For val = LBound(someOf) To UBound(someOf)  ' run through the array
            ' -- append someOf to allOf and loop
            Dim Nmbr As Integer
            On Error Resume Next
            If allOf.Value = "Empty" Then
                Nmbr = UBound(allOf)
                allOf(0) = someOf(0)
                ReDim Preserve allOf(UBound(allOf) + 1)
                allOf(UBound(allOf)) = someOf(val)
            End If
        Next val
    Next i
End Sub

Function read_whole_file(filePath As String) As Variant
    Dim sWhole As String
    Open filePath For Input As #1
        sWhole = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
    Close #1
    read_whole_file = Split(sWhole, vbNewLine)
End Function


” 你好


文件 “

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub main()

    Dim num As Integer, root As String, pathToFile As String, allOf As Collection, someOf As Variant
    Set allof = new collection
    Dim i As Integer, opts() As String, val As Variant
    root = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
    pathToFile = root & "\" & "name" & ".txt"

    num = 5  ' the number of files I may have

    For i = 0 To num - 1  ' loop over all the files

        someOf = read_whole_file(pathToFile)  ' read the file into variant
        For Each val In someOf ' run through the array
            alloff.Add val
    Next i
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


   num = 5  ' the number of files I may have


在使用allOf之前,也不要为其设置任何值。您甚至都不知道它是什么类型(除Variant之外),因此检查.Value是没有意义的,应该会导致编译错误。由于您的On Error语句,该部分可能会被忽略,因此不会发生预期的操作。


  • 在模块顶部添加Option Explicit始终

  • 删除On Error处理-如果您认为可能存在一些问题,请在程序逻辑中解决。
