将Excel /阵列数据导入数据库

时间:2019-06-25 20:17:47

标签: excel database vb.net

我正在VB中编写代码,以使公司站点具有更新的员工信息。 我的目标是:  从Excel文件中收集某些数据  将数据保存到2D阵列中  将阵列数据更新到网站可以访问的数据库中  创建网站并轻松使用数据库数据(以便轻松编辑网站)


  1. 我使用了Try&Catch来解决空白单元格上的Nullreference异常-在读取大量空白单元格的cols时脚本非常慢
  2. 我不知道如何正确地将收集的数据放入数据库(sql accces /不重要)

当前,我们使用带有宏&Excel VB的Excel文件来生成站点(将输出直接写入html文件-因此非常静态。)





Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Public Class WieiswieForm
    Private Sub WieiswieForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub

    Public Sub ChoseFile_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ChoseFile.Click
        OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel | *.xlsm"
        Dim result As DialogResult = OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()
        FileTextBox.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
        UpdateButton.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    Public Sub UpdateButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles UpdateButton.Click

        UpdateButton.Enabled = False

        ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": starten...")

        Dim Filepath As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
        Dim Afdeling_cell As String = "C"
        Dim Functie_cell As String = "D"
        Dim Naam_cell As String = "E"
        Dim Organistaie_cell As String = "N"
        Dim Badgenummer_cell As String = "R"
        Dim Draagbaar_cell As String = "Y"
        Dim VastNummer_cell As String = "X"
        Dim GSM_cell As String = "AB"
        Dim Werkrooster_cell As String = "AE"
        Dim Normtijd_cell As String = "AF"
        Dim Afwezigheid_cell As String = "AG"
        Dim Vestiging_cell As String = "AI"

        Dim Cell_index(11) As String
        Cell_index(0) = Naam_cell
        Cell_index(1) = Afdeling_cell
        Cell_index(2) = Functie_cell
        Cell_index(3) = Organistaie_cell
        Cell_index(4) = Vestiging_cell
        Cell_index(5) = Werkrooster_cell
        Cell_index(6) = VastNummer_cell
        Cell_index(7) = Draagbaar_cell
        Cell_index(8) = GSM_cell
        Cell_index(9) = Afwezigheid_cell
        Cell_index(10) = Badgenummer_cell
        Cell_index(11) = Normtijd_cell

        If Filepath = "" Then
            MsgBox("Geen bestand geselecteerd..")

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": Excel bestand openen...")
            Dim range As Excel.Range
            Dim file As System.IO.StreamWriter

            ' Get the Excel application object.
            Dim excel_app As New Excel.ApplicationClass()

            ' Make Excel visible (optional).
            excel_app.Visible = False

            ' Open the workbook read-only.
            Dim workbook As Excel.Workbook =
        Filename:=Filepath, ReadOnly:=True)

            ' Get the first worksheet.
            Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet =
        DirectCast(workbook.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)

            ' Get the number of rows (to avoid an index out-of-range)
            Dim LastRow As Integer
            LastRow = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

            '################## SUB START

            'Create the data array
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": data verzamel object maken...")
            Dim DataArray(11, LastRow - 1) As String

            'Create the object to retrieve the data from the range 
            Dim saRet(,) As Object
            Dim iRows As Long
            Dim iCols As Long

            ' #########################################################################################

            ' Start the data colletion loop
            Dim arrayindex1 As Integer = 0
            Dim arrayindex2 As Integer = 0
            Dim c As Integer = 0

            ProgressBar1.Value = 10

            'Namen oplijsten :
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": namen ophalen...")
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Afdeling ophalen
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": afdelingen ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 20
            c = c + 1 '1
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Functie binnen de afdeling : 
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": functies ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 30
            c = c + 1 '2
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Organisatie ophalen

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": organisaties ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 40
            c = c + 1 '3
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Vestiging ophalen

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": vestigingen ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 50
            c = c + 1 '4
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'werkrooster ophalen

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": werkroosters ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 60
            c = c + 1 '5
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'vastnummer ophalen

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": vaste telefoonnummers ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 70
            c = c + 1 '6
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'draagpaar ophalen

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": draagbarenummers ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 75
            c = c + 1 '7
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'GSM ophalen

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": GSM nummers ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 80
            c = c + 1 '8
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Afwezigheden ophalen
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": Afwezigheden nummer ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 85
            c = c + 1 '9
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Badgenummers ophalen
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": badgenummers ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 90
            c = c + 1 '10
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            'Normtijd ophalen
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": Normtijd ophalen...")
            ProgressBar1.Value = 95
            c = c + 1 '10
            arrayindex1 = arrayindex1 + 1
            arrayindex2 = 0
            MaakArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2, c, sheet, LastRow, range, saRet, iRows, iCols, Cell_index, DataArray)

            ' Save the changes and close the workbook.

            ' Close the Excel server.

            ProgressBar1.Value = 100

            ListBox1.Items.Add(DateAndTime.Now.ToString & ": Bestand opgeladen!")
            ListBox1.Items.Add(DataArray(0, 501) & " " & DataArray(1, 501) & " " & DataArray(2, 501) & " " & DataArray(3, 501) & DataArray(4, 501) & DataArray(5, 501) & DataArray(6, 501) & DataArray(7, 501) & DataArray(8, 501))
            UpdateButton.Enabled = True
            MsgBox((DataArray(0, 501) & " " & DataArray(1, 501) & " " & DataArray(2, 501) & " " & DataArray(3, 501) & " " & DataArray(4, 501) & " " & DataArray(5, 501) & " " & DataArray(6, 501) & " " & DataArray(7, 501) & " " & DataArray(8, 501) & " " & DataArray(9, 501) & " " & DataArray(10, 501)))
        End If
    End Sub

Sub MaakArray(arrayindex1 As Integer, arrayindex2 As Integer, c As Integer, sheet As Excel.Worksheet, LastRow As Integer, range As Excel.Range, saret As Object, iRows As Long, iCols As Long, Cell_index() As String, ByRef DataArray(,) As String)

    Dim LoopTime As Integer = 0
    Do Until LoopTime = 11

        'Get a range of data.
        range = sheet.Range(Cell_index(c) & "2", Cell_index(c) & LastRow)

        'Retrieve the data from the range.
        saret = range.Value

        'Determine the dimensions of the array.
        iRows = saret.GetUpperBound(0)
        iCols = saret.GetUpperBound(1)

        'Build a string that contains the data of the array.
        Dim valueString As String
        'valueString = "" + vbCrLf

        Dim rowCounter As Long
        Dim colCounter As Long
        Dim i As Integer
        For rowCounter = 1 To iRows
            For colCounter = 1 To iCols

                'Write the next value into the string.

                    valueString = saret(rowCounter, colCounter).ToString()
                    'If String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString) Then
                    'valueString = ""
                    ' End If
                    valueString = ""

                End Try

                DataArray(arrayindex1, arrayindex2) = valueString

                If arrayindex2 = LastRow - 1 Then
                    arrayindex2 = arrayindex2
                    arrayindex2 = arrayindex2 + 1
                End If

                ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 1 / 10

            Next colCounter

        Next rowCounter
        LoopTime = LoopTime + 1



    End Sub
End Class

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只需咧着嘴笑,请尝试以下操作,看看会得到什么。您可能必须将连接字符串中的HDR = YES调整为HDR = NO。将DataGridView添加到您的窗体,以便您可以查看结果。至少这将为您介绍Excel的数据提供程序。有了DataTable后,如果有主键,就可以更新数据库。



