
时间:2019-06-24 14:06:32

标签: json excel vba



            "company_name":"Associa\u00e7\u00e3o - Interven\u00e7\u00e3o de excel\u00eancia no sector Agro-Alimentar",
            "name":"PROJECT NAME",


    ERR: "0", error_code: "", error_message: "",…}
    ERR: "0"
    error_code: ""
    error_message: ""
    projects_data: {25: {id: "25", code: "PRJ-0015", company_id: "10",…},…}
    25: {id: "25", code: "PRJ-0015", company_id: "10",…}
    34: {id: "34", code: "PRJ-0024", company_id: "15", company_name: "Ceu - Indústria e Comércio, S.A.",…}
    44: {id: "44", code: "PRJ-0034", company_id: "3", company_name: "Roca, Turismo e Indústria S.A.",…}
    49: {id: "49", code: "PRJ-0039", company_id: "33",…}
    50: {id: "50", code: "PRJ-0040", company_id: "33",…}
    51: {id: "51", code: "PRJ-0041", company_id: "33",…}
    52: {id: "52", code: "PRJ-0042", company_id: "33",…}
    67: {id: "67", code: "PRJ-0057", company_id: "3", company_name: "Roca, Turismo e Indústria S.A.",…}
    77: {id: "77", code: "PRJ-0067", company_id: "235", company_name: "Paper UK Ltd", company_logo: "",…}
    78: {id: "78", code: "PRJ-0068", company_id: "234",…}
    80: {id: "80", code: "PRJ-0070", company_id: "238", company_name: "Azeitona...

Sub Macro1()

Dim jsonText As String
Dim JsonObject As Object, Item As Object

Set hreq2 = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    With hreq2
        .Open "GET", "https://192.111.0.xxx/ws/mobile/index.php?method=getProjects&SESSION_KEY=SOAPP5d10b8a06bc6f5.xxxx&action=all"
    End With  

 Dim RESPONSE2 As String
     RESPONSE2 = "[" & hreq2.ResponseText & "]"
     Range("a1").Value = RESPONSE2

    Set JsonObject = JsonConverter.ParseJson(RESPONSE2)

    i = 1

    Dim keyCurr As String

    For Each Item In JsonObject
    ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 2, 2).Value = Item.Keys
    For Each curr In Item
        If curr = "projects_data" Then
        Range("A8").Value = JsonObject(i)(curr)("code")
        Range("A9").Value = JsonObject(i)(curr)("company_id")
        i = i + 1
        End If
  Next curr
  End Sub

“我进入“ projects_data”,但返回的内容为空。您能帮我吗?”

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Dim JsonObject As Object, projects As Object, project As Object, k, sk, v, stages

Set JsonObject = JsonConverter.ParseJson(hreq2.ResponseText) 'don't add []

Set projects = JsonObject("projects_data") 'projects is a Dictionary object
For Each k In projects.keys
    Debug.Print "----------Project " & k
    Set project = projects(k) 'another Dictionary
    'loop over some of the dictionary keys
    For Each v In Array("id", "code", "name", "reference")
        Debug.Print v, project(v)
    Next v

    Set stages = project("stages_data")
    for each sk in stages.keys
        debug.print "stage", sk, stages(sk)
    next sk  

Next k