
时间:2019-06-24 11:43:24

标签: javascript google-analytics google-tag-manager google-datalayer enhanced-ecommerce

在一个网站上,我已经使用dataLayer成功地与GTM集成了增强型电子商务,并且所有标签均处于触发状态,数据正按预期方式传递到Google Analytics(分析)。但是,在另一个克隆的网站上,我也以完全相同的方式设置了GTM / GA,但是dataLayer推送并未发送产品详细信息视图或产品列表印象。


enter image description here


        'ecommerce': {
            'currencyCode': 'GBP',
            'impressions': gtmProducts

Google Analytics Debugger v2.7中,我看到以下输出-没有在页面视图上传输产品印象!

                         _                          _       _   _
                        | |                        | |     | | (_)
  __ _  ___   ___   __ _| | ___    __ _ _ __   __ _| |_   _| |_ _  ___ ___
 / _` |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` | |/ _ \  / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | | __| |/ __/ __|
| (_| | (_) | (_) | (_| | |  __/ | (_| | | | | (_| | | |_| | |_| | (__\__ \
 \__, |\___/ \___/ \__, |_|\___|  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\__, |\__|_|\___|___/
  __/ |             __/ |                              __/ |
 |___/             |___/                              |___/

analytics_debug.js:15 Running analytics_debug.js. This script is intended for testing and debugging only.
log @ analytics_debug.js:15
J @ analytics_debug.js:14
(anonymous) @ analytics_debug.js:101
(anonymous) @ analytics_debug.js:101
analytics_debug.js:15 Initializing Google Analytics.
analytics_debug.js:15 Loading resource for plugin: ec
analytics_debug.js:15 Loading script: ""
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("create", "my-trackingId", {name: "gtm1", cookieDomain: "auto"})
analytics_debug.js:15 Creating new tracker: gtm1
analytics_debug.js:15 Auto cookieDomain found: "my-domain"
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("gtm1.set", "&gtm", "my-gtm")
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("gtm1.set", "hitCallback", [function])
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("gtm1.require", "ec", "ec.js")
analytics_debug.js:15 Waiting on require of "ec" to be fulfilled.
analytics_debug.js:15 Registered new plugin: ga(provide, "render", Function)
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("gtm1.require", "ec", "ec.js")
analytics_debug.js:15 Waiting on require of "ec" to be fulfilled.
analytics_debug.js:15 Executing Google Analytics commands.
analytics_debug.js:15 Registered new plugin: ga(provide, "ec", Function)
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("gtm1.require", "ec", "ec.js")
analytics_debug.js:15 Plugin "ec" intialized on tracker "gtm1".
analytics_debug.js:15 Running command: ga("gtm1.send", "pageview")
Sent beacon:

analytics_debug.js:15 <unknown>        (&gtm)  my-gtm
analytics_debug.js:15 _j1              (&jid)  
analytics_debug.js:15 _j2              (&gjid) 
analytics_debug.js:15 adSenseId        (&a)    my-adSenseId
analytics_debug.js:15 apiVersion       (&v)    1
analytics_debug.js:15 clientId         (&cid)  my-clientId
analytics_debug.js:15 encoding         (&de)   UTF-8
analytics_debug.js:15 hitType          (&t)    pageview
analytics_debug.js:15 javaEnabled      (&je)   0
analytics_debug.js:15 language         (&ul)   en-us
analytics_debug.js:15 location         (&dl)   http://my-domain/shopby/rings
analytics_debug.js:15 screenColors     (&sd)   24-bit
analytics_debug.js:15 screenResolution (&sr)   2560x1440
analytics_debug.js:15 title            (&dt)   Title
analytics_debug.js:15 trackingId       (&tid)  my-trackingId
analytics_debug.js:15 viewportSize     (&vp)   2545x714


        'event': 'EEproductListingsUpdate',
        'ecommerce': {
            'currencyCode': 'GBP',
            'impressions': gtmProducts


enter image description here


Running command: ga("gtm3.send", {hitType: "event", eventCategory: "eCommerce", eventAction: "Product Listings Update", eventLabel: undefined, eventValue: undefined})

所有展示都已发送完毕...为什么当dataLayer.push()出现在另一个网站上时,页面浏览量标记无法发送展示吗?在GA / GTM面板中,无论是代码方式还是配置方式,我应该在哪里找到答案?一切都一样?

0 个答案:
