我想从blankURL内laravel的公共文件夹中获取图像:“ public / assets / images / blank.gif”,在此路径中
$(document).ready(function() {
// specifies the source for the blank image.
blankURL : 'public/assets/images/blank.gif',
// background color
bgColor : '#90D5D9',
// if set to true, the magnifier will follow the mouse, if set to false, the magnifier will sit attached on the side of the image.
attachWindowToMouse: true,
// when attachWindowToMouse is set to false, the window will sit on the side of the image.
// This property defines on which corner of the image, the magnifier will sit (e.g. windowPosition : {x:’right’,y:’bottom’}).
// Possible values for x: ‘right’, ‘left’.
// Possible values for y: ‘top’, ‘bottom’.
windowPosition: {x:'right',y:'bottom'},
// specifies the source for the “loading” image.
loaderURL : 'public/assets/images/loader.gif',