
时间:2011-04-15 06:28:42

标签: vb6 draggable mouseevent picturebox

当我使用水平和垂直滚动条时,我有滚动的图像。但我想像在Photoshop中一样拖动图像(使用手工工具并通过缩放图像进行探索)。在Visual Basic 6.0中有没有办法这样做?我已将鼠标的默认光标更改为手形光标。现在我只想通过拖动图像滚动。

1 个答案:

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Private Sub picBox_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    ' When left mouse button is pressed down (initiating a drag)
    If Button = 1 Then
        ' Store the coordinates of the mouse cursor
        xpos = x
        ypos = y

        ' Change the cursor to hand grab icon
        picBox.MouseIcon = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Resources\Cursors\grab.ico")
    End If
End Sub

然后,您将处理MouseMove事件,您将在其中执行实际拖动(在图片框内移动图像)。在这个例子中,我选择简单地在容器Form上移动整个图片框控件,而不是在图片框内移动图像。您可能需要在此处更改逻辑,具体取决于表单的布局和您的特定需求。例如,你说你有滚动条 - 在这种情况下,你需要在这里调整X和Y滚动条的位置。

Private Sub picBox_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    ' When left mouse button is being held down (drag)
    If Button = 1 Then
        ' Drag the picture box around the form
        picBox.Move x + (picBox.Left - xpos), y + (picBox.Top - ypos)
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub picBox_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    ' Stop normal dragging
    If Button = 1 Then
        ' Set the cursor back to the unclapsed hand
        picBox.MouseIcon = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Resources\Cursors\hand.ico")
    End If
End Sub


Private xpos As Long
Private ypos As Long

游标看起来像这样,类似于你在Adobe Acrobat或Mac OS 9中找到的(可能最初由像Susan Kare这样神奇的人绘制;可能不属于公共领域):
