我目前在使用Matplotlib方面遇到了一些麻烦。我有一个FDTD程序在运行时被“褪色”,因为图像的背景颜色似乎是平均的。我想将它全部设置为黑色(数组的0值)。我该怎么做呢?我找到了this on Matplotlib's website,但是当我尝试它时它不起作用(它一直告诉我它没有期望色彩映射的字节)。
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from numpy import *
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def fdtd():
print 'Starting simulation.'
# Define constants and parameters
#mu0 = pi*4E-7 # pH/µm
#e0 = 8.854187E-12 # Picofarads/micron
e0 = 8.85418782E-6
mu0 = 1.256637061
c = 1/sqrt(mu0*e0)
# Simulation Parameters
cellsizeX = 100. #Size of Yee-cell x edge in microns
cellsizeY = 100. #Size of Yee-cell y edge in microns
numX = 200 #Number of cells in X direction
numY = 200 #Number of cells in Y direction
lengthX = cellsizeX * numX
lengthY = cellsizeY * numY
dx = cellsizeX
dy = cellsizeY
dt = 1/(c*sqrt(1/dx**2+1/dy**2))
wavelength = 550E-9 #nm (green)
freq = c/wavelength
CEy = dt/(dx*mu0)
CEx = dt/(dy*mu0)
CHx = dt/(dy*e0)
CHy = dt/(dx*e0)
times = 1
y = 0
# Array creation
print 'Creating arrays'
E = zeros(shape=((2*numX+1),(2*numY+1)))
Ep = E.copy()
H = zeros(shape=(2*numX,2*numY))
Hp = H.copy()
Elec = E.copy()
#Create indexes
index = arange(0,2*numX, 1)
xindex = arange(0, 2*numX-1, 2)
yindex = arange(0, 2*numY-1, 2)
print 'Entering simulation loop.'
while times <= 500:
y = 0
# Initial Conditions
if (times < 100):
E[numX-50:numX+50,numY-50:numY+50] = times
# Calculate H and E fields
while y < len(yindex):
Hp[xindex+1,yindex[y]+1] = H[xindex+1,yindex[y]+1] - CEy*(E[xindex+2,yindex[y]+1] - E[xindex,yindex[y]+1]) + CEx*(E[xindex+1,yindex[y]+2] - E[xindex+1,yindex[y]])
Ep[xindex,yindex[y]+1] = E[xindex,yindex[y]+1] - CHy*(Hp[xindex+1,yindex[y]+1] - Hp[xindex-1, yindex[y]+1])
Ep[xindex+1,yindex[y]] = E[xindex+1,yindex[y]] + CHx*(Hp[xindex+1, yindex[y]+1] - Hp[xindex+1,yindex[y]-1])
# Boundary Conditions
Ep[numX*2, :] = Ep[numX*2-1,:]
Ep[:,numY*2] = Ep[:,numY*2-1]
Ep[0,:] = Ep[1,:]
Ep[:,0] = Ep[:,1]
#Name switching
E, Ep, H, Hp = Ep, E, Hp, H
#Plotting and Saving
plt.imshow(E[:,:], cmap = 'spectral')
filename = str('PATH\%03d' % times) + '.png'
times += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
答案 0 :(得分:2)
plt.imshow(E[:,:], cmap = 'spectral', vmin=0)