
时间:2019-06-24 00:20:40

标签: c++ arrays string whitespace

我正在做一个程序,计算来自不同类的两个测试的算术平均值。我向用户提供了命名他的班级的机会,名称可以是“ Math”或“ Computer Networks”。当我将其存储在数组位置时,第二个选项不起作用。换句话说:


如果我要问其他问题,我将不能在上面提到的字符串中插入带有重音符号的任何字符(例如“á”或“ç”)。即使我使用的是“ setlocale ...”,该程序也没有收到我希望字符串带有重音符号的名称(我的语言是葡萄牙语,并且具有这些类型的字符)。例如:当我在键盘上输入“Matemática”(英语为Math)时,下面的COUT不会显示“á”。

经过一些尝试,我正在使用Dev-C ++,但无法正常工作。我将展示卡住的那段代码。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <windows.h>
#include <clocale>

using namespace std;

int main() {

setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

int classesNumber = 5; // let's attribute this here only for this example
int classControl = 0;
float testNoteAV1[5]; // 5 just to this example
float testNoteAV2[5]; // 5 just to this example
string answer = "Y";
string className[5]; // 5 just to this example

Below, in the "DO WHILE" structure, I'm trying to control the answer, defending the program from receive something different then Y or N

for(int i = 0; i < classesNumber; i++) {
    if(classControl != 0) {
      system("color F4");
      cout << "\n\nINVALID ANSWER!\n\n"; Sleep(1000);
    system("color 0A");
    cout << "\nDo you want to name the " << i + 1 << "º class? [Y/N]: ";
    cin >> answer;
    answer[0] = toupper(answer[0]);
    if(answer != "Y" && answer != "N")
  while(answer != "Y" && answer != "N");

  classControl = 0; // for the next 4 inputs

  if(answer == "Y") {
    cout << "Type the name of the " << i + 1 << "º class and then press ENTER (try not to accentuate it): ";

    cin >> className[i]; /* ***Here is the problem I mentioned*** */

    cout << "\n" << className[i] << ":\nAV 1: "; /* ***The output here isn't working when the class name has whitespaces and also the accents (á, ç, ü) is not appearing as them should*** */

    cin >> testNoteAV1[i];
    cout << "AV 2: ";
    cin >> testNoteAV2[i];
  else {
    cout << "\n" << i + 1 << "º Class --> AV 1: ";
    cin >> testNoteAV1[i];
    cout << "               AV 2: ";
    cin >> testNoteAV2[i];
return 0;


// 1º
getline(cin, className[i]);

// 2º
cin >> noskipws;

// 3º


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