我想用graphql查询我的neo4j数据库。我还希望能够在graphql中指定子类型。有一个称为graphql-s2s的库,它向graphql添加了子类型。库neo4j-graphql-js使用自定义指令(@cyper和@relation)来构建增强模式。它从graphql-tools获取typeDefs或可执行文件。 qraphql-s2s让我从包含子类型的Schema中创建一个可执行的Schema。我的希望是,我应该很容易像装饰器模式那样将不同的模式输出相互传递。
const { transpileSchema } = require('graphql-s2s').graphqls2s;
const { augmentSchema } = require('neo4j-graphql-js');
const { makeExecutableSchema} = require('graphql-tools');
const { ApolloServer} = require('apollo-server');
const driver = require('./neo4j-setup');
/** The @relation and @cypher directives don't make any sense here they are
just for illustration of having directives that make sense to
'augmentSchema' and not to 'makeExecutableSchema' **/
const schema = `
type Node {
id: ID!
type Person inherits Node {
firstname: String
lastname: String @relation(name: "SOUNDS_LIKE", direction: "OUT")
type Student inherits Person {
nickname: String @cypher(
statement: """ MATCH (n:Color)...some weird cypher query"""
type Query {
students: [Student]
const resolver = {
Query: {
students(root, args, context) {
// Some dummy code
return [{ id: 1, firstname: "Carry", lastname: "Connor", nickname: "Cannie" }]
const executabledSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: [transpileSchema(schema)],
resolvers: resolver
const schema = augmentSchema(executabledSchema)
const server = new ApolloServer({ schema, context: { driver } });
server.listen(3003, '').then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`GraphQL API ready at ${url}`);