我使用mousemove,上下移动时我的e.layerY是不确定的。 滚动nie zostal 232 滚动未定义
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
# It's better to use context manager to read files.
# You don't have to explicitly close those files after reading.
with open('./source.txt', 'r') as source:
text = ''
for line in source:
text += line.lower() # Lower case on reading, why not.
# only latin letters & single spaces at the same time
text = re.sub("[^a-z.]+", " ", text)
# # replace dots with newlines
text = re.sub(r'\.', r'\n', text)
with open('./result.txt', 'w+') as output:
我希望得到相同的结果,但是我有let canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
let topCanvas = canvas.offsetTop;
let leftCanvas = canvas.offsetLeft;
var mouseDown = false;
$(document).dblclick(function(e) {
mouseDown = true;
function poruszmysza(e) {
if (mouseDown == true) {
console.log("not considering scroll position");
console.log("scroll nie zostal", e.clientY - topCanvas);
console.log("considering scroll position");
console.log("scroll", e.layerY);