我是AppleScript的新手。我发现这个脚本与GeekTool Geeklet一起使用来显示在线Skype用户。当我运行AppleScript时,出现“skype_id”未定义的错误。我无法找到未定义的地方/原因。显然,这个相同的脚本在过去有效。
以下是错误: 错误“未定义变量skype_id。”数字-2753来自“skype_id”
on remvix(ix, ls)
if ls is {} then
return {}
else if ix is 1 then
return rest of ls
return {item 1 of ls} & remvix(ix - 1, rest of ls)
end if
end remvix
on tail(astring, k)
return do shell script "echo '" & astring & "' | awk '{{i = " & k & "; while ( i <= NF-1 ) {printf $i \" \"; i++}; printf $i}}'"
end tail
property onlinegroup : 0
on getgroup()
tell application "Skype"
if my checkgroup(onlinegroup) is true then
return onlinegroup
set hardwired to send command "search groups hardwired" script name "online users"
set hardwired to my tail(hardwired, 2)
set hardwired to text items of hardwired
repeat with i in hardwired
if my checkgroup(i) is true then
return i
end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
end getgroup
on checkgroup(group_id)
tell application "Skype"
set grouptype to send command "get group " & group_id & " type" script name "online users"
set grouptype to my tail(grouptype, 4)
if grouptype is "ONLINE_FRIENDS" then
return true
return false
end if
end tell
end checkgroup
property dropped : 0
set text item delimiters to ", "
set onlineusers to {}
tell application "System Events"
set powerCheck to ((application processes whose (name is equal to "Skype")) count)
if powerCheck = 0 then
set end of onlineusers to " Skype not running"
tell application "Skype"
set onlinegroup to my getgroup()
set skype_id to send command "get group " & onlinegroup & " users" script name "online users"
set skype_id to my tail(skype_id, 4)
set skype_id to text items of skype_id
repeat with j from 1 to count skype_id
if item j of skype_id is "echo123" then
set skype_id_new to my remvix(j, skype_id)
set dropped to 1
end if
end repeat
if dropped is 1 then
set skype_id to skype_id_new
end if
repeat with i in skype_id
set aUser to send command "get user " & i & " fullname" script name "online users"
set aUser to my tail(aUser, 4)
if aUser is "" then set aUser to i
set amoodtext to send command "get user " & i & " mood_text" script name "online users"
set amoodtext to my tail(amoodtext, 4)
if amoodtext is "" then
set end of onlineusers to aUser
set end of onlineusers to aUser & " (" & amoodtext & ")"
end if
end repeat
if (count skype_id) > 0 then
set item 1 of onlineusers to " " & item 1 of onlineusers
set beginning of onlineusers to " No Contacts Online"
end if
return onlineusers
end tell
end if
end tell
答案 0 :(得分:0)
'my tail'是脚本自己的函数/处理程序,它只是awk(shell)脚本的包装器。由于某种原因,该函数无法返回任何内容,我注意到它没有包含错误检查。开始调试'on tail'块会很有用。例如,参数astring和k有意义吗?此错误处理代码可能会插入尾部处理程序的开头:
if ((class of astring) is not string) or ((class of k) is not integer) then
display dialog "Screwy parameter sent to tail" buttons {"Rats"} default button 1
error number -128 -- abort script entirely
end if
只是一般观察。我知道appleScript是一种友好的,易于使用的语言(虽然它不是),你可能从其他人那里获得了这个脚本,但是出于调试的目的,你要通过多次重新定义skype_id变量来解决问题。 (这是查克回应的原因)。