
时间:2019-06-21 08:02:19

标签: html css styling


Sub btnVar() ' function to show only articles with variable data
    onlyVar (True)
End Sub

Sub btnConst() ' function to show only articles with constant data
    onlyVar (False)
End Sub

Sub onlyVar(check As Boolean)
    calcOff 'disable screen updates etc

'first show all articles 

    Dim dict As Dictionary
    Set dict = New Dictionary
    art = 9 'start from column 9
    article = Sheet4.Cells(3, art).Value 'first article name
    lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, art).End(xlUp).Row 'find last row

' set article visibility in dictionary according to desired filter (constant/variable
    Do While article <> "" 'loop over article names until end of table
        If Sheet4.Cells(4, art).Value = Application.Average(Range(Cells(4, art), Cells(lrow, art))) Then
            dict.Add article, Not check 
            dict.Add article, check
        End If
        art = art + 1
        article = Sheet4.Cells(3, art).Value

' set the filters, this causes the table & chart to update every time a filter is set.
' it is fine for table only but with chart it gets super slow.

    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Artikel")
        For Each ptitm In .PivotItems
            ptitm.Visible = dict.Item(ptitm.Name)
    End With
    calcOn 're-enable screen updates etc
End Sub

Public Sub calcOff()
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub

Public Sub calcOn()
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

在我输入新评论之前,该代码似乎可以正常工作。然后,该元素向下跳并在添加新评论时保持跳动。在尝试detail.html <div class="contact-info" style="float: right!important; position: sticky!important; margin-right: 25px!important; margin-left: 750px!important; width: 30%!important; height: 50px!important; padding-bottom: 195px!important; margin-top: -2200px!important;"> <div class="elements" style=" margin-bottom: 200px!important; padding-bottom: 20px!important;"> <div class="address"> <span class="icon-map-marker"></span> <p> <a style="color:grey!important; border:none!important;" href="{{restraunt.address_link}}">{{restraunt.address}}</a></p> </div> <div class="address" > <span class="icon-mobile-phone"></span> <p style="color: grey!important; border: none!important;"><a style="color:grey!important; border: none!important;" href="tel:{{restraunt.phone}}" style="color: grey!important;">+{{restraunt.phone|phonenumber}}</a> </p> </div> <div class="address"> <span class="icon-link"></span> <p><a style="color:grey!important; border: none!important;" href="{{restraunt.website}}">{{restraunt.website}}</a></p> </div> <div class="address"> <span style="" class="icon-time"></span> <p>Mon - Sun, {{restraunt.opening_hour}} - {{restraunt.closing_hour}} <br> </div> </div> </div> postion: relativepostition: absolute时,我不知道如何解决此问题,但是似乎都失败了。我将放一些屏幕截图以更好地解释它。


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