
时间:2019-06-21 02:08:26

标签: scala pattern-matching coding-style

假设我有一个名为Rational的类,它“纯”地表示有理数,即它将a / b的表示形式保持为(a, b),并实现了常用的运算符+, -, *, /和其他运算符来处理这些元组,而不是评估每个操作的实际分数。


方法1:提供+(Rational, _)的几种实现方式:

def + (that:Rational):Rational  = {
    require(that != null, "Rational + Rational: Provided null argument.")
    new Rational(this.numer * that.denom + that.numer * this.denom, this.denom * that.denom)

def + (that:Int): Rational = this + new Rational(that, 1) // Constructor takes (numer, denom) pair

def + (that:BigInt): Rational = ....


def + (that:Any):Rational  = {
    require(that != null, "+(Rational, Any): Provided null argument.")
    that match {
        case that:Rational => new Rational(this.numer * that.denom + that.numer * this.denom, this.denom * that.denom)
        case that:Int | BigInt => new Rational(this.numer + that * this.denom, this.denom) // a /b + c = (a + cb)/b
        case that:Double => ....
        case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("+(Rational, Any): Unsupported operand.")



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一种解决方法是利用scala Numeric类型类。最好为Rational创建一个实例,因为您可以轻松实现所有必需的方法,并且此时可以将plus定义为

def +[T: Numeric](that: T) : Rational

您现在还可以提取隐式toInt参数的toLong / toFloat / toDouble / Numeric方法来处理未知类,如果需要的话,也不会抛出运行时错误-即使您不这样做,也至少可以显着减少可以传递的错误类型。


trait CanBeAdded[T] {
  def add(t: T, rational: Rational) : Rational

object CanBeAdded {
  implicit val int = new CanBeAdded[Int] {
    override def add(t: Int, rational: Rational): Rational = ???

  implicit val long = new CanBeAdded[Long] {
    override def add(t: Long, rational: Rational): Rational = ???

  implicit val rational = new CanBeAdded[Rational] {
    override def add(t: Rational, rational: Rational): Unit = ???

case class Rational(a: BigInt, b: BigInt) {
  def +[T: CanBeAdded](that: T) = implicitly[CanBeAdded[T]].add(that, this)

我喜欢第二种选择,因为我不得不怀疑允许将您的Rational类型添加到任何数字类型是否有意义。您提到您希望+能够接受Double s,但是精确的表示形式与通常在Double s中出现的舍入误差相结合似乎会导致某些奇怪而违反直觉的行为,结果没有多大意义。