
时间:2019-06-20 12:43:32

标签: d3.js svg

我正在尝试使用路径而不是某些分组数据中的条形图制作柱形图。下面是我打算使用的数据结构。 数据:产品详细信息包括按日期(dyear)排列的产品(名称),计数值1或-1,具体取决于它们是从库存中添加还是从库存中删除。

dyear,名称,值 y1,AAA,1 y1,BBB,1 y2,CCC,1 y3,DDD,-1 y4,EEE,-1 y5,FFF,-1 y5,GGG,1 y5,HHH,1 y6,KKK,-1 y7,MMM,-1 y8,NNN,1 y9,PPP,1 y10,RRR,-1 y10,TTT,-1 y10,SSS,-1 y11,UUU,-1 y11,vvv,-1

我创建了一个柱形图,并根据该值将路径附加为向上或向下箭头。我按日期对产品进行分组之后。 @GerardoFurtado和@Mark的演示非常出色,但是我无法为此目的智能地对其进行翻译。

Making a grouped bar chart when my groups are varied sizes?

我开始在 http://plnkr.co/edit/9VY54mlZbE3mvMKQWHqU?p=preview





d3.csv(“ data.csv”,类型,函数(错误,数据){       如果(错误)抛出错误;

  // Transform data (i.e., finding cumulative values and total) for easier charting
  var cumulative = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    data[i].start = cumulative;
    cumulative += data[i].value;
    data[i].end = cumulative;

    data[i].class = (data[i].value >= 0) ? 'positive' : 'negative'
  /* data.push({
     name: 'Total',
     end: cumulative,
     start: 0,
     class: 'total'

  x0.domain(data.map(function(d) {
    return d.name;
  y.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) {
    return d.end;

  // add the x Axis

    .attr("class", "x axis")
    .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
    .attr("x", width / 2)
    .attr("y", margin.bottom - 5);

  // add the y Axis

    .attr("class", "y axis")

  // append the rectangles for the bar chart

  var bar = svg.selectAll(".bar")
    .attr("class", "bar")
    .style('fill', function(d, i) {
      return d.value < 0 ? colorLower : colorHigher;
    .attr("d", function(d) {
      var pathData;

      var xStart = x0(d.name) + x0.bandwidth() / 2;
      var yStart = Math.abs(y(d.start));
      var yStart2 = Math.abs(y(d.end));
      var arrowSize = x0.bandwidth() / 2; {
        if (d.value > 0) {

          var yEnd = Math.abs(y(d.end)) + arrowSize;
          // Draw arrow pointing up if value is positive
          pathData = "M " + xStart + " " + yStart + " " +
            "L " + (xStart - arrowSize / 4) + " " + yStart + " " +
            "L " + (xStart - arrowSize / 4) + " " + (yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart - arrowSize / 2) + " " + (yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + xStart + " " + (yEnd - arrowSize) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart + arrowSize / 2) + " " + (yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart + arrowSize / 4) + " " + (yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart + arrowSize / 4) + " " + yStart + " z";
        // Draw arrow pointing down if value is negative
        else if (d.value < 0) {

          var yEnd = Math.abs(y(d.end) - y(d.start));
          pathData = "M " + xStart + " " + yStart + " " +
            "L " + (xStart + arrowSize / 4) + " " + yStart + " " +
            "L " + (xStart + arrowSize / 4) + " " + (yStart + yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart + arrowSize / 2) + " " + (yStart + yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + xStart + " " + (yStart + yEnd) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart - arrowSize / 2) + " " + (yStart + yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart - arrowSize / 4) + " " + (yStart + yEnd - arrowSize / 2) + " " +
            "L " + (xStart - arrowSize / 4) + " " + yStart + " z";


      return pathData;

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