word start stop speaker
0 but 2.72 2.85 2
1 that's 2.85 3.09 2
2 alright 3.09 3.47 2
3 we'll 8.43 8.69 1
4 have 8.69 8.97 1
5 to 8.97 9.07 1
6 okay 9.19 10.01 2
7 sure 10.02 11.01 2
8 what? 11.02 12.00 1
word start start speaker
0 but that's alright 2.72 3.47 2
1 we'll have to 8.43 9.07 1
2 okay sure 9.19 11.01 2
3 what? 11.02 12.00 1
答案 0 :(得分:3)
(df.groupby('speaker', as_index=False, sort=False)
.agg({'word': ' '.join, 'start': 'min', 'stop': 'max',}))
speaker word start stop
0 2 but that's alright 2.72 3.47
1 1 we'll have to 8.43 9.07
gp1 = df['speaker'].ne(df['speaker'].shift()).cumsum()
(df.groupby(['speaker', gp1], as_index=False, sort=False)
.agg({'word': ' '.join, 'start': 'min', 'stop': 'max',}))
speaker word start stop
0 2 but that's alright 2.72 3.47
1 1 we'll have to 8.43 9.07
2 2 okay sure 9.19 11.01
3 1 what? 11.02 12.00