
时间:2019-06-19 10:45:01

标签: r data.table




#testing the function
overlap <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,NA)
Priority<- c(1,2,4,1,5,6,7)
category<- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g")

data.dt <- data.table(overlap,Priority, category)

data.dt$overlap[nrow(data.dt)] = 0 #No overlap in the last, we don't know the next value

data.dt[,  grp := cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(overlap) < 0))] #creation of a column "grp" which detects trailing edges in "overlap", defines the group to evaluate
i1 <- data.dt[, .I[!(data.table::shift(overlap, type = 'lead') == 0 & overlap == 0)], .(grp)]$V1 #shift the "overlap" values forward and compare them to 0, then compare the "overlap" values to 0. 
i2 <- data.dt[, .I[overlap == 0]] #save the row index values where "overlap" is equal to 0
i3 <- setdiff(i1, i2) #remove the values where the "overlap" is 0
data.dt[i1,  out := IEC_category[which.min(Priority)], .(grp)] #from the values of category where the value of "overlap" is 0, add
data.dt[i2, out := NA] #add NA where the "overlap" is 0, this is because there is no overlapping

i3 = na.omit(i3) #delete the last NA value of i3 

v2 <- data.dt[i1, {v1 <- category[-which.min(Priority)];sapply(seq_along(v1), 
                                                           function(i) toString(v1[seq_len(i)]))}, .(grp)]$V1
data.dt[i3, rest := v2][, grp := NULL][] #add the rest of the values where the "overlap" is no 0, these are the values with less Priority grouped in the previous line


   overlap Priority     category  out    rest
1:       0        3            a <NA>    <NA>
2:       1        2            b    c       a
3:       1        1            c    c    a, b
4:       1        4            d    c a, b, d
5:       0        5            e <NA>    <NA>
6:       1        6            f    e       f
7:       0        7            g <NA>    <NA>



   overlap Priority     category  out    rest
1:       0        3            a <NA>    <NA>
2:       1        2            b    b       a
3:       1        1            c    c    a, b
4:       1        4            d    c a, b, d
5:       0        5            e <NA>    <NA>
6:       1        6            f    e       f
7:       0        7            g <NA>    <NA>

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