
时间:2019-06-19 07:34:14

标签: python discord.py-rewrite

我试图弄清楚如何通过命令在播放器和机器人之间启动直接消息。该命令应起作用,以便播放器DM的机器人具有!stats和三个数字(例如:!stats 6 8 1),并且该机器人将响应并分配适当的统计信息。 (例如:您在力量上放置了6点,在敏捷上放置了8点,在体质上放置了1点。)


sudo service plexmediaserver restart


import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path

class Character(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    async def on_ready(self):
        print("Bot is Online")

    async def name(self, ctx, name):

        player = str(ctx.message.author)
        path = os.getcwd()
        charFolder = os.path.join(path + "/characters/")
        charFile = Path(charFolder + player + ".txt")

        # Get the name of character being created
        if charFile.is_file():
            await ctx.send("You've already created a character, dumbass.")
            await ctx.send("I did it!")
            await ctx.send("Your character name is: " + name)
            await ctx.send("Your character sheet has been created.")
            levelDict = {1: [25, 1, 6, 15, 2, 1, 5, 75]}
            characterFile = {}
            level = 1
            xp = 0
            characterFile["name"] = name
            characterFile["level"] = level
            hp = levelDict[1][0]
            characterFile["hp"] = hp
            tFeats = levelDict[1][4]
            characterFile["total feats"] = tFeats
            numberOfDice = levelDict[1][1]
            numberOfSides = levelDict[1][2]
            characterFile["base damage"] = str(numberOfDice) + "d" + str(numberOfSides)
            characterFile["hit"] = levelDict[1][5]
            characterFile["damage"] = levelDict[1][5]
            characterFile["ac"] = levelDict[1][6]
            characterFile["currentxp"] = xp
            nextLevel = levelDict[1][7]
            characterFile["nextlevel"] = nextLevel
            characterFile["strength"] = 0
            characterFile["dexterity"] = 0
            characterFile["constitution"] = 0
            characterFile["remaining feats"] = 2
            ap = levelDict[1][3]
            characterFile["total ap"] = ap
            hasTaken = []
            characterFile["feats taken"] = hasTaken
            file = open(charFolder + player + ".txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
            json.dump(characterFile, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
            await ctx.send("PM me with '!stats <str> <dex> <con>' to set your abilities. Wouldn't want everyone "
                     "to see your secrets, would we?")

    async def stats(self, ctx, strength, dexterity, constitution):

        private = self.client.send_message
        player = str(ctx.message.author)
        path = os.getcwd()
        charFolder = os.path.join(path + "/characters/")
        charFile = Path(charFolder + player + ".txt")
        if not charFile.is_file():
            await private(player,  "You don't even have a character created yet. Type !name <name> in the room. "
                                   "Where <name> is your character's actual name. (Example: !name Joe")

            strMod = int(int(strength) / 2)
            dexMod = int(int(dexterity) / 2)
            conMod = int(int(constitution) * 5)
            print(strMod, dexMod, conMod)
            await private(player, "Allocating the following: \n\n"
                                   "Strength: " + strength + "   (+" + str(strMod) + " bonus to hit and damage.)\n"
                                   "Dexterity: " + dexterity + "   (+" + str(dexMod) + " bonus to armor class.)\n"
                                   "Constitution: " + constitution + "   (+" + str(conMod) + " bonus to armor class.)\n")



我需要在BotCommands.py中启动一些“ on_message”命令吗?还是我只是说方法错误?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

# BotCommands.py
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '!')

# code.py
    async def stats(self, ctx, strength, dexterity, constitution):
        private = self.client.send_message # <--

discord api已更改





# before
await client.send_message(channel, 'Hello')

# after
await channel.send('Hello')