如何在react-map-gl / deck.gl视口中获得H3六角形?

时间:2019-06-18 10:06:51

标签: deck.gl react-map-gl h3


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

要获取视口内部的六边形,需要获取当前视口的边界框。如果当前视口为{latitude, longitude, zoom, width, height}(如果使用react-map-gl,则可能处于组件状态),则可以使用viewport-mercator-project获取视口:

import WebMercatorViewport from 'viewport-mercator-project';

function bboxFromViewport(viewport) {
    const {width, height} = viewport;
    const projection = new WebMercatorViewport(viewport);
    const [west, north] = projection.unproject([0, 0]);
    const [east, south] = projection.unproject([width, height]);
    return {north, south, east, west};


const nw = [north, west];
const ne = [north, east];
const sw = [south, west];
const se = [south, east];
const hexes = h3.polyfill([nw, ne, se, sw], resolution);



// Inexact, but it doesn't matter for our purposes
const KM_PER_DEGREE_LAT = 111.2;

function estimateHexagonsInBBox(bbox, width, height, res) {
    // This is an extremely rough estimate, but we're just trying
    // to get a reasonable order of magnitude
    const aspect = width / height;
    const latKm = (bbox.north - bbox.south) * KM_PER_DEGREE_LAT;
    const lonKm = latKm * aspect;
    return (latKm * lonKm) / h3.hexArea(res, h3.UNITS.km2);