
时间:2019-06-18 09:22:49

标签: swift swift-protocols conditional-conformance

我有一个协议CustomObject,并且为String添加了扩展以符合CustomObject。我还为Array(如果Element转换为CustomObjectDictionary(如果键和值符合CustomObject)添加了条件一致性。但是,当我尝试将包含String和CustomObject的数组分配给CustomObject变量(或作为参数传递时,编译器会抱怨为Value of type '[CustomObject]' does not conform to specified type 'CustomObject'




protocol CustomObject {
    var value: String { get }

extension String: CustomObject {
    var value: String {
        return self

extension Array: CustomObject where Element: CustomObject {
    var value: String {
        return "{\n\(self.map{$0.value}.joined(separator: "\n"))\n}"

extension Dictionary: CustomObject where Key: CustomObject, Value: CustomObject {
    var value: String {
        return self.map {
            return "\($0.value){\n\($1.value)\n}"
            .joined(separator: "\n")

var params = [
let dict1 = ["key1": params]
let dict2: CustomObject = ["key2": dict1]
let array1: CustomObject = ["key3", dict2.value]// Error here `Value of type '[CustomObject]' does not conform to specified type 'CustomObject'`

func doSomething(_ object: CustomObject) {
    print("value -- " + object.value)

let array2 = ["key3", dict2]
doSomething(array2)// Here also `Value of type '[CustomObject]' does not conform to specified type 'CustomObject'`


如果我将数组扩展名更改为extension Array: CustomObject where Element == CustomObject,则该错误将消失,并出现另一个错误。

let dict2: CustomObject = ["key2": dict1]//Contextual type 'CustomObject' cannot be used with dictionary literal

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