TCP_CONVERSATION_EXCHANGE: This variable is the number of TCP packets exchanged between the server and our honeypot client
DIST_REMOTE_TCP_PORT: it is the number of the ports detected and different to TCP
REMOTE_IPS: this variable has the total number of IPs connected to the honeypot
APP_BYTES: this is the number of bytes transferred
SOURCE_APP_PACKETS: packets sent from the honeypot to the server
REMOTE_APP_PACKETS: packets received from the server
APP_PACKETS: this is the total number of IP packets generated during the communication between the honeypot and the server
DNS_QUERY_TIMES: this is the number of DNS packets generated during the communication between the honeypot and the server
我知道可以使用某些过滤器通过Wireshark获得其中的一些(如果不是大多数的话)。 但是,我想通过Javascript来检查Web客户端和服务器之间的交互。