
时间:2019-06-17 07:57:35

标签: sql amazon-redshift


我发现了agentwise chat_id和并发聊天。但找不到聊天时间

select *
from(select agent,
LEAD(agent,1) OVER (partition by agent ORDER BY chat_start) AS Lead_agent,
LEAD(chat_start,1) OVER (partition by agent ORDER BY chat_start) AS Lead_chat_start,
lag(chat_end,1) OVER (partition by agent ORDER BY chat_start) AS Lag_chat_End
select distinct SPLIT_PART(e.agent_id,'@',1) agent,ch.chat_id,
                  min(convert_timezone('GMT', 'GMT-5:30', (timestamp 'epoch' + e."timestamp" * interval '1 second'))) chat_start,
                  max(convert_timezone('GMT', 'GMT-5:30', (timestamp 'epoch' + e."timestamp" * interval '1 second'))) chat_end,
                  COUNT(case when user_type='agent' then 1 else null END ) Agent_Response
from livechat.chat_events e 
join livechat.chats ch 
on e.chat_id=ch.chat_id
join livechat.group_info g on e.chat_id=g.chat_id  
where e."type"='message'
and user_type='agent'
and  g.group_id in (1,4,7,19,21)
and cast(convert_timezone('GMT', 'GMT-5:30', (timestamp 'epoch' + ch.started_timestamp * interval '1 second')) as date) between '2019-06-01' and '2019-06-11'
group by 1,2
order by 1,3)
where (Agent_Response > 1)
 ) chat_diff) order by 1```

i expect output date, agent,chatid,chat_duration

Agent           chat_id           chat_start              chat_end
elvin.m     PSYONSZEGG  06-06-2019 22:30    06-06-2019 22:53
elvin.m     PSXOOSY1MY  06-06-2019 22:21    06-06-2019 22:31
apoorva.ai  PS3X6T7CXZ  11-06-2019 19:25    11-06-2019 19:34
apoorva.ai  PS0X2S4JHG  11-06-2019 19:27    11-06-2019 19:40

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