我遇到一个错误:sub2ind:所有下标必须具有相同的大小。似乎存在问题的行是idx = sub2ind ([n m], r, c)
%values that cause the error
array_rows=3; %3,3,7,7
array_cols=6; %6,5,3,5
原始问题已由Andy here
function r = rndtrip (n, m, v)
rv = @(x) x - 2 * (v - 1);
r = [v * ones(1,rv(m)-1) v:n-v+1 (n-v+1)*ones(1,rv(m)-2)];
if (rv(m) > 1)
r = [r n-v+1:-1:v+1];
function idx = ring (n, m , v)
if (2*(v-1) > min (n, m))
r = [];
r = rndtrip (n, m, v);
c = circshift (rndtrip (m, n, v)(:), - n + 2 * v - 1).';
idx = sub2ind ([n m], r, c)
# your array
array_rows=3; %3,3,7,7
array_cols=6; %6,5,3,5
I_orig = reshape (1:array_rows*array_cols, array_cols, array_rows).' %reshape array %I_orig = reshape (1:30, 5, 6).'
[rw_orig col_orig]=size(I_orig);
I_new=I_orig; %where the new rotated values will be stored
min_rows_cols=min(rw_orig,col_orig); %get min number of row - columns used to calc number of rings
r=(-1).^(1:ceil(min_rows_cols/2)) % (toggles beween -1 1)
%r = [1 -1] %used to have ring rotate CCW or CW can be done manually
for k = 1:numel(r)
idx = ring (rows(I_new), columns(I_new), k);
I_new(idx) = I_new(circshift(idx(:), r(k)));
I_orig =
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
r =
-1 1
idx =
1 4 7 10 13 16 17 18 15 12 9 6 3 2
error: sub2ind: all subscripts must be of the same size
error: called from ring at line 16 column 9
Values that Work with the Code run on TIO
Values that don't work with the Code run on TIO
Ps:我正在使用Ubuntu 18.04 Octave 4.2.2