我正在尝试在gcc版本7.4.0(Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1〜18.04.1)的系统上编译软件
do i = 1, aztec_obj%data_org(AZ_N_neigh+1)
proc = aztec_obj%data_org(AZ_neighbors+(i-1)+1)
! Receive from processor i in the list
len = aztec_obj%data_org(AZ_rec_length+(i-1)+1)
! len from dataorg includes neq vector entries per external element
! therefore, len should be adjusted to mean noel element per ext.
len = (len*noel)/aztec_obj%neq
numcom = numcom + 1
req(numcom) = parallel_irecv_cv(data(recvstart), len*8, proc, tag+myid)
recvstart = recvstart + len
! Send to processor i in the list
len = aztec_obj%data_org(AZ_send_length+(i-1)+1)
call c9pack(data, aztec_obj%data_org(sendstart),len,work(iw),aztec_obj%neq,noel)
numcom = numcom + 1
len = (len*noel)/aztec_obj%neq
req(numcom) = parallel_isend_cv(work(iw), len*8, proc, tag+proc)
iw = iw + len
sendstart = sendstart + aztec_obj%data_org(AZ_send_length+(i-1)+1)
end do