
时间:2019-06-15 21:29:53

标签: linux ncl


Events::where('date', $my_date)
          ->update(['status' => $my_active_status]);


; panel_3.ncl
; Concepts illustrated:
;   - Paneling three plots vertically on a page
;   - Adding a common title to paneled plots
 ;   - Adding a common labelbar to paneled plots
;   - Subsetting a color map
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
; read in netCDF file
  a = addfile("pr_day_CESM2-WACCM_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_20000101-                    20091231.nc","r")
  ;pr = a->pr(1,:,:)
  pr = a->pr(:,:,:)
;Avearge over time
function dim_avg_Wrap(pr)
function dim_stddev_Wrap(pr)
; Calculate Standard deviation
pr = pr*86400.
; create plots
wks = gsn_open_wks("X11","panel")              ; send graphics to PNG         file

  plot = new(1,graphic)                          ; create a plot array

  res                     = True
  res@gsnDraw             = False           ; don't draw
  res@gsnFrame            = False           ; don't advance frame
  res@cnInfoLabelOn       = False           ; turn off cn info label
  res@cnFillOn            = True            ; turn on color
res@cnLinesOn       = False
res@gsnSpreadColors = True
;res@gsnSpreadColorStart  = 1
;res@gsnSpreadColorEnd  = -1
  res@lbLabelBarOn        = False           ; turn off individual cb's

; to have a common label bar, both plots should be set to the same     interval
; b/c the label bar is drawn by default from the interval of the first     plot.
  ;res@cnLevelSelectionMode =  "ManualLevels"
  res@cnLevelSelectionMode =  "ExplicitLevels"
;  res@cnLevelSelectionMode =  "AutomaticLevels"
 ; res@cnMinLevelValF       = 0.
 ; res@cnMaxLevelValF       =  100.
 ; res@cnLevelSpacingF      =   5.
 res@cnLevels = (/0,0.5,1,2,4,7,11,16,22,29/)
  plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,pr(10,:,:),res)
  ;plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,v,res)
; create panel
  resP                     = True                ; modify the panel plot
  resP@gsnPanelMainString = "A plot with a common label bar"

  resP@gsnPanelLabelBar    = True                ; add common colorbar
  resP@lbLabelFontHeightF  = 0.007               ; make labels smaller

  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/1,1/),resP)               ; now draw as one plot

fatal:syntax error: line 24 in file script1.ncl before or near 
function dim_avg_Wrap

fatal:Function identifier is defined
fatal:syntax error: line 25 in file script1.ncl before or near 
 function dim_stddev_Wrap

 fatal:Function identifier is defined
fatal:Syntax Error in block, block not executed
 fatal:error at line 69 in file script1.ncl


; panel_3.ncl
; Concepts illustrated:
;   - Paneling three plots vertically on a page
;   - Adding a common title to paneled plots
;   - Adding a common labelbar to paneled plots
;   - Subsetting a color map
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
; read in netCDF file
  a = addfile("pr_day_CESM2-WACCM_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_20000101-    20091231.nc","r")
  ;pr = a->pr(1,:,:)
  pr = a->pr(:,:,:)
pr = pr*86400.

; Average and SD
;Avearge over time
zave = dim_avg_Wrap(pr)
zave = dim_stddev_Wrap(pr)

;pr = function dim_avg_Wrap(pr)
;pr = function dim_stddev_Wrap(pr)
; Calculate Standard deviation

; create plots
  wks = gsn_open_wks("X11","panel")              ; send graphics to PNG file

  plot = new(1,graphic)                          ; create a plot array

  res                     = True
  res@gsnDraw             = False           ; don't draw
  res@gsnFrame            = False           ; don't advance frame
  res@cnInfoLabelOn       = False           ; turn off cn info label
  res@cnFillOn            = True            ; turn on color
res@cnLinesOn       = False
res@gsnSpreadColors = True
;res@gsnSpreadColorStart  = 1
;res@gsnSpreadColorEnd  = -1
  res@lbLabelBarOn        = False           ; turn off individual cb's

; to have a common label bar, both plots should be set to the same interval
; b/c the label bar is drawn by default from the interval of the first plot.
  ;res@cnLevelSelectionMode =  "ManualLevels"
  res@cnLevelSelectionMode =  "ExplicitLevels"
;  res@cnLevelSelectionMode =  "AutomaticLevels"
 ; res@cnMinLevelValF       = 0.
 ; res@cnMaxLevelValF       =  100.
 ; res@cnLevelSpacingF      =   5.
 res@cnLevels = (/0,0.5,1,2,4,7,11,16,22,29/)
 ; plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,pr(10,:,:),res)
plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,zave(10,:,:),res)
  ;plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,v,res)
; create panel
  resP                     = True                ; modify the panel plot
  resP@gsnPanelMainString = "A plot with a common label bar"

  resP@gsnPanelLabelBar    = True                ; add common colorbar
  resP@lbLabelFontHeightF  = 0.007               ; make labels smaller

  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/1,1/),resP)               ; now draw as one plot

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