我有2个变量“根区域”和“树覆盖”都处于地理位置(NetCDF)(基本上是网格,每个网格都有特定的值)。 TC中的值从0到100不等。每个网格大小为0.25度(可能有助于理解距离)。
我的问题是“我想从最接近的TC范围介于70-100到30-70之间的距离(因此,每个纬度和经度的TC值均大于30)计算距离。 0-30(小于30)。“
我想做的是创建一个二维散点图,其中X轴表示“从0到30的值,距离70-100 TC(和30-70 TC)的公里数”,Y轴表示“那些70-100 TC点(和30-70 TC)的RZS'
#I read the files using xarray
deficit_annual = xr.open_dataset('Rootzone_CHIRPS_era5_2000-2015_annual_SA_masked.nc')
tc = xr.open_dataset('Treecover_MODIS_2000-2015_annual_SA_masked.nc')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,8))
## year I am interested in
year = 2000
i = year - 2000
# Select the indices of the low- and high-valued points
# This will results in warnings here because of NaNs;
# the NaNs should be filtered out in the indices, since they will
# compare to False in all the comparisons, and thus not be
# indexed by 'low' and 'high'
low = (tc[i,:,:] <= 30) # Savanna
moderate = (tc[i,:,:] > 30) & (tc[i,:,:] < 70) #Transitional forest
high = (tc[i,:,:] >= 70) #Forest
# Get the coordinates for the low- and high-valued points,
# combine and transpose them to be in the correct format
y, x = np.where(low)
low_coords = np.array([x, y]).T
y, x = np.where(high)
high_coords = np.array([x, y]).T
y, x = np.where(moderate)
moderate_coords = np.array([x, y]).T
# We now calculate the distances between *all* low-valued points, and *all* high-valued points.
# This calculation scales as O^2, as does the memory cost (of the output),
# so be wary when using it with large input sizes.
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist
distances = cdist(low_coords, moderate_coords, 'euclidean')
# Now find the minimum distance along the axis of the high-valued coords,
# which here is the second axis.
# Since we also want to find values corresponding to those minimum distances,
# we should use the `argmin` function instead of a normal `min` function.
indices = distances.argmin(axis=1)
mindistances = distances[np.arange(distances.shape[0]), indices]
minrzs = np.array(deficit_annual[i,:,:]).flatten()[indices]
plt.scatter(mindistances*25, minrzs, s = 60, alpha = 0.5, color = 'goldenrod', label = 'Trasitional Forest')
distances = cdist(low_coords, high_coords, 'euclidean')
# Now find the minimum distance along the axis of the high-valued coords,
# which here is the second axis.
# Since we also want to find values corresponding to those minimum distances,
# we should use the `argmin` function instead of a normal `min` function.
indices = distances.argmin(axis=1)
mindistances = distances[np.arange(distances.shape[0]), indices]
minrzs = np.array(deficit_annual[i,:,:]).flatten()[indices]
plt.scatter(mindistances*25, minrzs, s = 60, alpha = 1, color = 'green', label = 'Forest')
plt.xlabel('Distance from Savanna (km)', fontsize = '14')
plt.xticks(fontsize = '14')
plt.yticks(fontsize = '14')
plt.ylabel('Rootzone storage capacity (mm/year)', fontsize = '14')
plt.legend(fontsize = '14')
#plt.ylim((-10, 1100))
#plt.xlim((0, 30))
我想知道代码是否似乎有错误(因为它现在正在工作,但是当我增加'high =(tc [i,:::]> = 70 `到2000年为80。这使我想知道代码是否正确。
第二,可以定义一个20 km的缓冲区“ low =(tc [i,:::] <= 30)”。我的意思是,仅当Tree覆盖值的群集低于30而不是单个像素时才定义“低”。
下面的链接中包含一些netCDF文件: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/unm96q7sfto8y53/AAA7e12bs07XtpMiVFdML_PIa?dl=0