<Description>ABC DATA</Description>
<Description>DEF DATA</Description>
from lxml import etree
root = etree.parse(r"C:\Users\input\input.xml")
for elem in root.xpath('.//Author'):
elem.text = "DEF"
root.write("output.xml", pretty_print=True,xml_declaration=True,encoding="UTF-8")
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
xml = '''<root>
<Description>ABC DATA</Description>
<Description>ABC DATA</Description>
tree = ET.fromstring(xml)
for author in tree.findall('.//Summary/Author'):
author.text = 'new author value goes here'
for desc in tree.findall('.//Summary/Description'):
desc.text = 'new desc value goes here'
# call the line below if you need to save to a file
# tree.write(open('new_file.xml', 'w'))
<Author>new author value goes here</Author>
<Description>new desc value goes here</Description>
<Author>new author value goes here</Author>
<Description>new desc value goes here</Description>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果您只想将每次出现的“ ABC”替换为“ DEF”,否则将文本保持原样,则应这样做:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
data = {"operationName":"questionData","variables":{"titleSlug":"two-sum"},"query":"query questionData($titleSlug: String!) {\n question(titleSlug: $titleSlug) {\n questionId\n questionFrontendId\n boundTopicId\n title\n titleSlug\n content\n translatedTitle\n translatedContent\n isPaidOnly\n difficulty\n likes\n dislikes\n isLiked\n similarQuestions\n contributors {\n username\n profileUrl\n avatarUrl\n __typename\n }\n langToValidPlayground\n topicTags {\n name\n slug\n translatedName\n __typename\n }\n companyTagStats\n codeSnippets {\n lang\n langSlug\n code\n __typename\n }\n stats\n hints\n solution {\n id\n canSeeDetail\n __typename\n }\n status\n sampleTestCase\n metaData\n judgerAvailable\n judgeType\n mysqlSchemas\n enableRunCode\n enableTestMode\n envInfo\n libraryUrl\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}
r = requests.post('https://leetcode.com/graphql', json = data).json()
soup = bs(r['data']['question']['content'], 'lxml')
title = r['data']['question']['title']
question = soup.get_text().replace('\n',' ')
print(title, '\n', question)