我已经尝试了difflib.unified_diff,但是它为输出提供了很多不必要的信息。因此,仅需打印不在file2中的file1的文本。 以下是我尝试的代码。
def file_byline_comp(f1,f2,f3):
# Read the first line from the files
file1= open(f1)
file2= open(f2)
result_output_file= open(f3,'w')
file1_line = file1.readline()
file2_line = file2.readline()
# Initialise counter for line number
line_no = 1
# Loop if either file1 or file2 has not reached EOF
while file1_line != '' or file2_line != '':
# Strip the leading whitespaces
file1_line = file1_line.rstrip()
file2_line = file2_line.rstrip()
# Compare the lines from both file
if file1_line != file2_line:
if file2_line == '' and file1_line != '':
# print("Line-%d" % line_no, file1_line)
print("Line-%d" % line_no)
print difflib.unified_diff(file1_line, file2_line,fromfile='f1', tofile='f2',lineterm='')
result_output_file.write("Line-%d " % (line_no))
# otherwise output the line on file1
elif file1_line != '':
#print("Line-%d" % line_no, file1_line)
print("Line-%d" % line_no)
for line in difflib.unified_diff(file1_line, file2_line,fromfile='f1', tofile='f2',lineterm=''):
print line
result_output_file.write("Line-%d " % (line_no))