(deftemplate signpost
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(deftemplate state-interval
(slot start (type INTEGER))
(slot duration (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
(signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
(signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
(signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
(state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one"))
(state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two"))
(state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))
(deftemplate signpost
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(deftemplate state-update
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(deftemplate state-interval
(slot start (type INTEGER))
(slot duration (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING))
(defrule update-state
?signpost <- (signpost (time ?time) (state ?state))
(not (state-update (time ?) (state ?)))
(retract ?signpost)
(assert (state-update (time ?time) (state ?state)))
(defrule pair-state
?signpost <- (signpost (time ?time) (state ?state))
?update <- (state-update (time ?time1) (state ?state1))
(modify ?update (time ?time) (state ?state))
(retract ?signpost)
(bind ?duration (- ?time1 ?time))
(assert (state-interval (start ?time1) (duration ?duration) (state ?state1)))
(deffacts sample-data
(signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
(signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
(signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
(signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
FIRE 1 update-state: f-4,*
<== f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
==> f-5 (state-update (time 10) (state "four"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-5
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-5
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-5
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-1,*
FIRE 2 pair-state: f-1,f-5
<== f-5 (state-update (time 10) (state "four"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-5
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-5
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-1,*
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
==> f-6 (state-update (time 0) (state "one"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-6
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-6
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-6
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-1,*
<== f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-1,f-6
==> f-7 (state-interval (start 10) (duration 10) (state "four"))
FIRE 3 pair-state: f-2,f-6
<== f-6 (state-update (time 0) (state "one"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-6
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
==> f-8 (state-update (time 2) (state "two"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-8
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-8
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-2,*
<== f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-2,f-8
==> f-9 (state-interval (start 0) (duration -2) (state "one"))
FIRE 4 pair-state: f-3,f-8
<== f-8 (state-update (time 2) (state "two"))
==> Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
==> f-10 (state-update (time 5) (state "three"))
==> Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-10
<== Activation 0 update-state: f-3,*
<== f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
<== Activation 0 pair-state: f-3,f-10
==> f-11 (state-interval (start 2) (duration -3) (state "two"))
<== Focus MAIN
4 rules fired Run time is 0.00531400000909343 seconds.
752.728640036717 rules per second.
5 mean number of facts (5 maximum).
1 mean number of instances (1 maximum).
2 mean number of activations (4 maximum).
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-7 (state-interval (start 10) (duration 10) (state "four"))
f-9 (state-interval (start 0) (duration -2) (state "one"))
f-10 (state-update (time 5) (state "three"))
f-11 (state-interval (start 2) (duration -3) (state "two"))
For a total of 5 facts.
答案 0 :(得分:1)
CLIPS (6.31 4/1/19)
(deftemplate signpost
(slot time (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING)))
(deftemplate state-interval
(slot start (type INTEGER))
(slot duration (type INTEGER))
(slot state (type STRING)))
(defrule find-interval
;; Find the first signpost
(signpost (time ?time1) (state ?state))
;; And a second signpost that comes later
(signpost (time ?time2&:(> ?time2 ?time1)))
;; And there's no other signpost between the two
(not (signpost (time ?time3&:(> ?time3 ?time1)
&:(< ?time3 ?time2))))
(assert (state-interval (start ?time1)
(duration (- ?time2 ?time1))
(state ?state))))
(deffacts sample-data
(signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
(signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
(signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
(signpost (time 10) (state "four")))
CLIPS> (watch rules)
CLIPS> (watch facts)
CLIPS> (watch activations)
CLIPS> (reset)
<== f-0 (initial-fact)
==> f-0 (initial-fact)
==> f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
==> f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
==> Activation 0 find-interval: f-1,f-2,*
==> f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
==> Activation 0 find-interval: f-2,f-3,*
==> f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
==> Activation 0 find-interval: f-3,f-4,*
CLIPS> (run)
FIRE 1 find-interval: f-3,f-4,*
==> f-5 (state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))
FIRE 2 find-interval: f-2,f-3,*
==> f-6 (state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two"))
FIRE 3 find-interval: f-1,f-2,*
==> f-7 (state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one"))
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (signpost (time 0) (state "one"))
f-2 (signpost (time 2) (state "two"))
f-3 (signpost (time 5) (state "three"))
f-4 (signpost (time 10) (state "four"))
f-5 (state-interval (start 5) (duration 5) (state "three"))
f-6 (state-interval (start 2) (duration 3) (state "two"))
f-7 (state-interval (start 0) (duration 2) (state "one"))
For a total of 8 facts.