
时间:2019-06-13 13:49:26

标签: c# paypal payment-gateway

我目前正在尝试将PayPal智能按钮集成到我的asp.net核心Web应用程序中。我参考了以下API文档,以通过服务器上的PayPal API进行交易:。但是,文档在PayPal订单请求正文中对行项目进行了硬编码。现在,我有一个名为 lineItems 的变量,其中包含要发送到PayPal的产品列表。如何在BuildRequestBody()方法中动态创建lineItems?下面是我当前的代码:


Update2 仍在尝试解决此问题,非常需要帮助。

Update3 是否有人和我有相同的问题?文档非常模糊,我需要帮助。

Update4 ,没有任何进展,仍然需要帮助!

        public async Task<HttpResponse> createPaypalTransaction()
            List<Product> lineItems = new List<Product>();
            decimal totalPrice = 4.00;

            lineItems.Add(new Product
                ProductId = 1,
                ProductName = "T-Shirt",
                Quantity = 2,
                Price = 2.00M

            lineItems.Add(new SanitizeProduct
                ProductId = 2,
                ProductName = "Shoe",
                Quantity = 2,
                Price = 2.00M

            var request = new OrdersCreateRequest();
            //3. Call PayPal to set up a transaction
            var response = await PayPalClient.client().Execute(request);

            var result = response.Result<PayPalCheckoutSdk.Orders.Order>();
            Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", result.Status);
            Console.WriteLine("Order Id: {0}", result.Id);
            Console.WriteLine("Intent: {0}", result.Intent);
            foreach (LinkDescription link in result.Links)
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}\tCall Type: {2}", link.Rel, link.Href, link.Method);
            AmountWithBreakdown amount = result.PurchaseUnits[0].Amount;
            Console.WriteLine("Total Amount: {0} {1}", amount.CurrencyCode, amount.Value);
            return response; 

          Method to generate sample create order body with CAPTURE intent

          @return OrderRequest with created order request
        private static OrderRequest BuildRequestBody(decimal totalPrice, List<SanitizeProduct> lineItems)
            OrderRequest orderRequest = new OrderRequest()
                Intent = "CAPTURE",

                ApplicationContext = new ApplicationContext
                    BrandName = "12345",
                    UserAction = "CONTINUE",
                PurchaseUnits = new List<PurchaseUnitRequest>
          new PurchaseUnitRequest{
            ReferenceId =  "PUHF",
            Description = "Customisable Goods",
            CustomId = "CUST-HighFashions",
            SoftDescriptor = "HighFashions",
            Amount = new AmountWithBreakdown
              CurrencyCode = "SGD",
              Value = "230.00",
              Breakdown = new AmountBreakdown
                // The subtotal for all items (quantity * price)
                ItemTotal = new Money
                  CurrencyCode = "SGD",
                  Value = "230.00"

// How do i dynamically generate the list of items instead of hardcoding it?
             Items = new List<Item>
              new Item
                Name = "T-shirt",
                Description = "Green XL",
                Sku = "sku01",
                UnitAmount = new Money
                  CurrencyCode = "SGD",
                  Value = "90.00"
                Tax = new Money
                  CurrencyCode = "SGD",
                  Value = "10.00"
                Quantity = "1",
                Category = "PHYSICAL_GOODS"
              new Item
                Name = "Shoes",
                Description = "Running, Size 10.5",
                Sku = "sku02",
                UnitAmount = new Money
                  CurrencyCode = "SGD",
                  Value = "45.00"
                Tax = new Money
                  CurrencyCode = "SGD",
                  Value = "5.00"
                Quantity = "2",
                Category = "PHYSICAL_GOODS"
            return orderRequest;

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