
时间:2019-06-13 07:15:06

标签: android android-recyclerview

我实际上是对回收者视图中单击的项目进行一些可见性更改。但是,当用户单击一个对象,然后单击另一个对象时,前一个对象应进入其初始状态。 如果视图位于屏幕焦点上,则manager.findViewByPosition(position)工作正常,但如果元素不在当前焦点中,则无法获取视图。 例如:-用户单击第一个(位置)项目,然后单击最后一个位置,然后findViewByPosition返回null。




public class BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView extends 
   //variables defined. 
   int selectedPosition = -1;
   static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
   //All the view items declared here.
   ViewHolder(View view) {
  //All the views are defined here.
public BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView(List<BodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel> bodyPartsList, Context context){
//array list initialization and shared preference variables initialization

public BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
    //Creating a new view.

 public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, @SuppressLint("RecyclerView") final int position) {
BodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel bodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel = bodyPartsList.get(position);

if(selectedPosition!=position && selectedPosition!=-1){
 //updated the elements view to default view. Like made the visibility and other changes here.           

 //some click listeners on the sub-elements of the items. Like textviews, spinner, etc
holder.iv_bodypart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
           /*here what I was doing is whenever the user clicks on an item I check weather a previous item is clicked or not then if yes then I send the position to a function that makes it to default but the issue was that if the item is not in the focus of the screen the findViewByPosition returns null.*/

            selectedPosition = position;
            bodypartSelected = holder.tv_body_part_name.getText().toString();

   //and other listeners below 


public int getItemCount() {
    return bodyPartsList==null?0:bodyPartsList.size();

public int getItemViewType(int position) {
    return position;



public void visibilityChanged(int position, int clicked){

          View view = manager.findViewByPosition(position);
          if(view!=null) {
            Log.i("inside","visibility change");
            ImageView imageView = view.findViewById(R.id.bodypartImage);
            //other elements and changing the visibility of elemets to default.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final BodyPartWithMmtRecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, @SuppressLint("RecyclerView") final int position) {
    BodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel bodyPartWithMmtSelectionModel = bodyPartsList.get(position);

    if(selectedPosition == position){
        //updated the elements view to SELECTED VIEW. Like made the visibility and other changes here.           
    } else {
        //updated the elements view to default view. Like made the visibility and other changes here.

     //some click listeners on the sub-elements of the items. Like textviews, spinner, etc
    holder.iv_bodypart.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

            /Comment by Hari: Don't try to change the visibility of default as it will be done automatically after calling notifyDataSetChanged(). */
           /*here what I was doing is whenever the user clicks on an item I check weather a previous item is clicked or not then if yes then I send the position to a function that makes it to default but the issue was that if the item is not in the focus of the screen the findViewByPosition returns null.*/

           /*Comment by Hari: This snippet is valuable which is missing as you are getting null issue here.
           However Don't try to change the visibility of default as it will be done automatically after calling notifyDataSetChanged(). */

            selectedPosition = position;
            bodypartSelected = holder.tv_body_part_name.getText().toString();

            //Keep this as last statement in onClick

   //and other listeners below 



答案 1 :(得分:0)

基于@Hari N Jha的答案。


    int selectedPosition = -1;

    public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) {

        if(position == selectedPosition) {
            //Add background color change of your layout or as you want for selected item.
        } else {
            //Add background color change of your layout or as you want for default item.
        notifyDataSetChanged(); //Call notifyDataSetChanged() here after done all the stufs