hello \k[dear \i[world]]
,输出将为hello <b>dear <em>world</em></b>
\b[some text](url)
,输出将为<a href=”url”>some text</a>
\r[some text](url)
,输出将为<img alt=”some text” src=”url” />
// Define the syntax and translation to javascript.
const grammar = {
syntax: {
k: {markUp: `\k[`, javascript: `"+grammar.oneArg("k","`, pre: `<b>`, post: `</b>`},
i: {markUp: `\i[`, javascript: `"+grammar.oneArg("i","`, pre: `<em>`, post: `</em>`},
b: {markUp: `\b[`, javascript: `"+grammar.twoArgs("b","`, pattern: `<a href="$2">$1</a>`},
r: {markUp: `\r[`, javascript: `"+grammar.twoArgs("r","`, pattern: `<img alt="$1" src="$2"/>`},
close0: {markUp: `](`, javascript: `","`},
close1: {markUp: `)`, javascript: `")+"`},
close2: {markUp: `]`, javascript: `")+"`}
oneArg: function( command, arg1 ) {
return grammar.syntax[ command ].pre + arg1 + grammar.syntax[ command ].post;
twoArgs: function( command, arg1, arg2 ) {
return grammar.syntax[ command ].pattern.split( `$1` ).join( arg1 ).split( `$2` ).join( arg2 );
function transpileAndExecute( markUpString ) {
// Convert the markUp to javascript.
for ( command in grammar.syntax ) {
markUpString = markUpString.split( grammar.syntax[ command ].markUp ).join( grammar.syntax[ command ].javascript );
// With the markUp now converted to javascript, let's execute it!
return new Function( `return "${markUpString}"` )();
var markUpTest = `Hello \k[dear \i[world!]] \b[\i[Search:] \k[Engine 1]](http://www.google.com) \r[\i[Search:] \k[Engine 2]](http://www.yahoo.com)`;
console.log( transpileAndExecute( markUpTest ) );
请注意,显然还有一些预处理问题必须解决,例如如何处理普通文本中包含标记的问题。例如,在文本字符串中包含“]”将使编译器抛出曲线球,因此强制执行诸如使用“ \]”表示“]”的规则,然后替换所有出现的“ \]”在转译之前使用无害的文本,然后在之后重新替换,可以简单地解决此问题...
Hello \k[dear \i[world!]] \b[\i[Search:] \k[Engine 1]](http://www.google.com) \r[\i[Search:] \k[Engine 2]](http://www.yahoo.com)
"Hello world! "+grammar.oneArg("k","dear "+grammar.oneArg("i","world")+"")+" "+grammar.twoArgs("b",""+grammar.oneArg("i","Search:")+" "+grammar.oneArg("k","Engine 1")+"","http://www.google.com")+" "+grammar.twoArgs("r",""+grammar.oneArg("i","Search:")+" "+grammar.oneArg("k","Engine 2")+"","http://www.yahoo.com")+""
Hello <b>dear <em>world!</em></b> <a href="http://www.google.com"><em>Search:</em> <b>Engine 1</b></a> <img alt="<em>Search:</em> <b>Engine 2</b>" src="http://www.yahoo.com"/>
尽管,真正的挑战是语法错误的处理,特别是如果有大量标记需要转换时。肯定的答案(参见Find details of SyntaxError thrown by javascript new Function() constructor)清晰明了,提供了一种从动态编译的javascript函数中捕获语法错误的行号和字符数的方法,但还不确定映射语法错误的最佳方法的代码转换回原始标记。
Hello World! \b[\i[Goodbye]]] \k[World!]]
"Hello World! "+grammar.twoArgs("b",""+grammar.oneArg("i","Goodbye")+"")+"")+" "+grammar.oneArg("k","World!")+"")+""
......并且SomePerformance的checkSyntax函数按预期返回“抛出错误:1:76”,并在上面标有“ ^”。
问题是,如何将其映射回原始标记以帮助缩小标记中的错误? (显然,在这种情况下,很容易看到标记中的错误,但是如果必须转换标记的页面,则必须缩小语法错误的范围。)维护标记和转换代码之间的映射似乎棘手的是,由于编译器在遍历语法转换矩阵时逐步将标记更改为javascript代码。我的直觉告诉我,有一种更简单的方法...感谢您的关注。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
var grammarLint = function(text) {
var nestingCounter = 0;
var isCommand = char => char == '\\';
var isOpen = char => char == '[';
var isClose = char => char == ']';
var lines = text.split('\n');
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
text = lines[i];
for(var c = 0; c < text.length; c++) {
var char = text.charAt(c);
if(isCommand(char) && isOpen(text.charAt(c+2))) {
c += 2;
if(isClose(char)) {
if(nestingCounter < 0) {
throw new Error('Command closed but not opened at on line '+(i+1)+' char '+(c+1));
if(nestingCounter > 0) {
throw new Error(nestingCounter + ' Unclosed command brackets found');
text = 'Hello World! \\b[\\i[Goodbye]]] \\k[World!]]';
try {
catch(e) {
text = 'Hello World! \\b[\\i[Goodbye \\k[World!]]';
try {
catch(e) {
答案 1 :(得分:1)
降低了利用javascript编译器捕获转译代码中语法错误并将其引用回原始标记的能力。简而言之,这涉及将注释合并到已编译的代码中以允许引用返回标记的方案,从而提供了缩小标记错误的方法。 (错误消息的确是一种翻译错误,它并不一定与标记错误完全对应,但给人一个挣扎的机会,找出标记问题所在的地方。)
该算法还利用了使用setTimeout捕获已转译代码的语法错误的SomePerformance技术(Find details of SyntaxError thrown by javascript new Function() constructor)的概念。我穿插了一个JavaScript Promise,可以使流程顺畅。
"use strict";
// Define the syntax and translation to javascript.
class Transpiler {
static _syntaxCheckCounter = 0;
static _syntaxCheck = {};
static _currentSyntaxCheck = null;
constructor() {
this.grammar = {
syntax: {
k: {markUp: `\k[`, javascript: `"►+grammar.oneArg("k",◄"`, pre: `<b>`, post: `</b>`},
i: {markUp: `\i[`, javascript: `"►+grammar.oneArg("i",◄"`, pre: `<em>`, post: `</em>`},
b: {markUp: `\b[`, javascript: `"►+grammar.twoArgs("b",◄"`, pattern: `<a href="$2">$1</a>`},
r: {markUp: `\r[`, javascript: `"►+grammar.twoArgs("r",◄"`, pattern: `<img alt="$1" src="$2"/>`},
close0: {markUp: `](`, javascript: `"►,◄"`},
close1: {markUp: `)`, javascript: `"►)+◄"`},
close2: {markUp: `]`, javascript: `"►)+◄"`}
marker: { // https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_utf_geometric.asp
begMarker: `►`, // 25ba
endMarker: `◄`, // 25c4
begComment: `◆`, // 25c6
endComment: `◇`, // 25c7
fillerChar: `●` // 25cf
oneArg: function( command, arg1 ) {
return this.syntax[ command ].pre + arg1 + this.syntax[ command ].post;
twoArgs: function( command, arg1, arg2 ) {
return this.syntax[ command ].pattern.split( `$1` ).join( arg1 ).split( `$2` ).join( arg2 );
static transpilerSyntaxChecker(err) {
// Uncomment the following line to disable default console error message.
let transpiledLine = Transpiler._syntaxCheck[ Transpiler._currentSyntaxCheck ].transpiledFunction.split(`\n`)[1];
let lo = parseInt( transpiledLine.substr( transpiledLine.substr( 0, err.colno ).lastIndexOf( `●` ) + 1 ) );
let hi = parseInt( transpiledLine.substr( transpiledLine.substr( err.colno ).indexOf( `●` ) + err.colno + 1 ) );
let markUpLine = Transpiler._syntaxCheck[ Transpiler._currentSyntaxCheck ].markUp;
let errString = markUpLine.substring( lo - 40, hi + 40 ).split(`\n`).join(`↵`) + `\n`;
errString += ( `.`.repeat( lo ) + `^`.repeat( hi - lo ) ).substring( lo - 40, hi + 40 );
Transpiler._syntaxCheck[Transpiler._currentSyntaxCheck].rejectFunction( new Error(`'${ err.message }' in transpiled code, corresponding to character range ${ lo }:${ hi } in the markup.\n${ errString }`) );
window.removeEventListener('error', Transpiler.transpilerSyntaxChecker);
delete Transpiler._syntaxCheck[Transpiler._currentSyntaxCheck];
async transpileAndExecute( markUpString ) {
// Convert the markUp to javascript.
console.log( markUpString );
let gm = this.grammar.marker;
let markUpIndex = markUpString;
let transpiled = markUpString;
for ( let n in this.grammar.syntax ) {
let command = this.grammar.syntax[ n ];
let markUpIndexSplit = markUpIndex.split( command.markUp );
let transpiledSplit = transpiled.split( command.markUp );
if ( markUpIndexSplit.length !== transpiledSplit.length ) {
throw `Ambiguous grammar when searching for "${ command.markUp }" to replace with "${ command.javascript }".`;
for ( let i = 0; i < markUpIndexSplit.length; i++ ) {
if ( i === 0 ) {
markUpIndex = markUpIndexSplit[ 0 ];
transpiled = transpiledSplit[ 0 ];
} else {
let js = command.javascript.replace( gm.begMarker, gm.begComment + gm.fillerChar + markUpIndex.length + gm.endComment );
markUpIndex += gm.fillerChar.repeat( command.markUp.length );
js = js.replace( gm.endMarker, gm.begComment + gm.fillerChar + markUpIndex.length + gm.endComment );
markUpIndex += markUpIndexSplit[ i ];
transpiled += js + transpiledSplit[ i ];
transpiled = transpiled.split( gm.begComment ).join( `/*` );
transpiled = transpiled.split( gm.endComment ).join( `*/` );
transpiled = `/*${ gm.fillerChar }0*/"${ transpiled }"/*${ gm.fillerChar }${ markUpIndex.length + 1 }*/`;
console.log( markUpIndex );
console.log( transpiled );
let self = this;
var id = ++Transpiler._syntaxCheckCounter;
Transpiler._syntaxCheck[id] = {};
let transpiledFunction = `"use strict"; if ( run ) return\n${ transpiled.split(`\n`).join(` `) }`;
Transpiler._syntaxCheck[id].markUp = markUpString;
Transpiler._syntaxCheck[id].transpiledFunction = transpiledFunction;
// Here's where it gets tricky. (See "CertainPerformance's" post at
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35252731
// for details behind the concept.) In this implementation a Promise
// is created, which on success of the JS compiler syntax check, is resolved
// immediately. Otherwise, if there is a syntax error, the transpilerSyntaxChecker
// routine, which has access to a reference to the Promise reject function,
// calls the reject function to resolve the promise, returning the error back
// to the calling process.
let checkSyntaxPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout( () => {
Transpiler._currentSyntaxCheck = id;
window.addEventListener('error', Transpiler.transpilerSyntaxChecker);
// Perform the syntax check by attempting to compile the transpiled function.
new Function( `grammar`, `run`, transpiledFunction )( self.grammar );
resolve( null );
window.removeEventListener('error', Transpiler.transpilerSyntaxChecker);
delete Transpiler._syntaxCheck[id];
Transpiler._syntaxCheck[id].rejectFunction = reject;
let result = await checkSyntaxPromise;
// With the markUp now converted to javascript and syntax checked, let's execute it!
return ( new Function( `grammar`, `run`, transpiledFunction.replace(`return\n`,`return `) )( this.grammar, true ) );
let markUp = `Hello World \k[Goodbye]] World`;
new Transpiler().transpileAndExecute( markUp ).then(result => console.log( result )).catch( err => console.log( err ));
/*●0*/""/*●0*/+grammar.oneArg("i",/*●2*/"Hello World"/*●13*/)+/*●14*/" "/*●15*/+grammar.oneArg("k",/*●17*/""/*●17*/+grammar.oneArg("i",/*●19*/"Goodbye"/*●26*/)+/*●27*/" World"/*●34*/
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token )
at new Function (<anonymous>)
at markUp.html:127
Error: 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token )' in transpiled code, corresponding to character range 22:23 in the markup.
Hello World k[Goodbye]] World
at transpilerSyntaxChecker (markUp.html:59)
请注意,Unexpected token )
let markUp = `\i[Hello World] \k[\i[Goodbye] World`;
new Transpiler().transpileAndExecute( markUp ).then(result => console.log( result )).catch(err => console.log( err ));
/*●0*/""/*●0*/+grammar.oneArg("i",/*●2*/"Hello World"/*●13*/)+/*●14*/" "/*●15*/+grammar.oneArg("k",/*●17*/""/*●17*/+grammar.oneArg("i",/*●19*/"Goodbye"/*●26*/)+/*●27*/" World"/*●34*/
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
at new Function (<anonymous>)
at markUp.html:127
Error: 'Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list' in transpiled code, corresponding to character range 27:34 in the markup.
i[Hello World] k[i[Goodbye] World
at transpilerSyntaxChecker (markUp.html:59)
也许不是最好的解决方案,但是懒惰的解决方案。 Tschallacka的响应在对标记执行真正的语法检查时具有优点(即,使用自定义语法检查器或使用诸如Jison之类的东西),而没有setTimeout / Promise复杂性,也没有使用Transpiler错误消息引用原始标记的某种不精确的方法...