interface BaseContext {}
interface SomeContext { foo: 'lish'; };
interface ContextObj<T> { context: T }
// a unary function that takes an argument that conforms to the ContextObj interface
// and returns a value of type U
type ContextFn<T, U> = (x: ContextObj<T>) => U;
// a type to represent any function
type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any;
// we use mapped types and conditional types here to determine if
// T[K], the value of the property K on type T, is a function
// if it's not a function we return the T[K] unaltered
// if it is a function we make sure it conforms to our ContextFn type
// otherwise we return never which I was hoping would result in an error
type ContextService<T, U extends BaseContext> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends AnyFunction
? T[K] extends ContextFn<U, ReturnType<T[K]>>
? T[K]
: never
: T[K]
class BarService implements ContextService<BarService, SomeContext> {
test:string = 'test';
// expected error: not assignable to type never
updateBar(): string {
return '';
答案 0 :(得分:1)
type ContextService<T, U extends BaseContext> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends AnyFunction ?
T[K] extends ContextFn<U, ReturnType<T[K]>> ?
Parameters<T[K]>["length"] extends 1 ? T[K]
: never : never
: T[K]
class BarService implements ContextService<BarService, SomeContext> {
test: string = 'test';
// error: not assignable to type never
updateBar(): string {
return '';
updateBar2(p: ContextObj<SomeContext>): string { // ok
return '';
type ContextService<T, U extends BaseContext> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends AnyFunction ?
T[K] extends ContextFn<U, ReturnType<T[K]>> ?
Parameters<T[K]>["length"] extends 1 ? T[K]
: ["Method must have exactly one parameter of type ", ContextObj<U>, "Found Parameters:", Parameters<T[K]>]
: ["Parameters types not macthed, expected [", ContextObj<U>, "] Found Parameters:", Parameters<T[K]>]
: T[K]
class BarService implements ContextService<BarService, SomeContext> {
test: string = 'test';
// error: not assignable to type never
updateBar(): string {// Type '() => string' is missing the following properties from type '["Method must have exactly one parameter of type ", ContextObj<SomeContext>, "Found Parameters:", []]'
return '';
updateBar2(p: ContextObj<SomeContext>): string {
return '';
updateBar3(p: SomeContext): string { // Type '(p: SomeContext) => string' is missing the following properties from type '["Parameters types not macthed, expected [", ContextObj<SomeContext>, "] Found Parameters:", [SomeContext]]'
return '';
type Check<TSig extends (...a: any[]) => any, T, K extends keyof T> =
T[K] extends (...a: any[]) => any ?
T[K] extends TSig ?
Parameters<T[K]>["length"] extends 1 ? unknown
: ["Method must have exactly one parameter of type ", Parameters<TSig>, "Found Parameters:", Parameters<T[K]>]
: ["Parameters types not macthed, expected [", Parameters<TSig>, "] Found Parameters:", Parameters<T[K]>]
: unknown
function ensureSignatire<TSig extends (...a: any[]) => any>() {
return function <TTarget, TKey extends keyof TTarget>(target: TTarget, key: TKey & Check<TSig, TTarget, TKey>) {
class BarService {
test: string = 'test';
@ensureSignatire<ContextFn<SomeContext, any>>() // Type '"updateBar"' is not assignable to type '["Method must have exactly one parameter of type ", [ContextObj<SomeContext>], "Found Parameters:", []]'.
updateBar(): string {
return '';
@ensureSignatire<ContextFn<SomeContext, any>>() //ok
updateBar2(p: ContextObj<SomeContext>): string {
return '';
@ensureSignatire<ContextFn<SomeContext, any>>() // Type '"updateBar3"' is not assignable to type '["Parameters types not macthed, expected [", [ContextObj<SomeContext>], "] Found Parameters:", [SomeContext]]'
updateBar3(p: SomeContext): string {
return '';