当我在Eclipse中运行此代码时, 在控制台选项卡下显示: 0个场景0个步骤0m0.000s
@CucumberOptions(features = "resources")
public class Runner {
public class stepDefinition{
Feature: This will test the following features :
1) Login
2) Logout
Scenario: User successfully Logs in
Given: When user is on login page
When: user clicks on "Sign in" button
And: user enters username and password
Then: Home page is displayed.
Scenario: User successfully Logs out
Given: When user is on home page
When: user clicks on his "avatar" icon
And: user clicks on "log out" option from the drop down.
Then: Login page is displayed.
那么,为什么测试通过了?为什么在控制台中显示为0个场景? 请帮忙!