我正在尝试在Userform中创建一个组合框,该组合框返回相应“ Cliente”的所有“ Aditivo”编号...
如果我选择“ Cliente” 1,则应该在组合框中添加数字1,2、3和4 ... 如果我选择“ Cliente” 3,它应该在组合框中添加数字1,2、3、4和5 ...
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim ID_CL, ID_Row, i As Integer
Dim ID_Address As String
ID_CL = 5
' Find the address of the ID_CL value
On Error GoTo Erro
ID_Address = Sheets("TAB_Aditivos").Range("A2:A16").Find(ID_CL).Address
' Get the number of row where the value is found
ID_Row = Right(ID_Address, Len(ID_Address) - 3)
UserForm1.CB_Aditivo.Enabled = True
UserForm1.CB_Aditivo.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
For i = 0 To 10000
' Check if the value above is different than ID_CL
If Sheets("TAB_Aditivos").Cells(i + ID_Row, 1) = ID_CL Then
' Find the value in column "B"
UserForm1.CB_Aditivo.AddItem (Sheets("TAB_Aditivos").Cells(i + ID_Row, 2).Text)
' If it's different then set i to 10000 and stop looping
i = 10000
End If
Next i
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Value not found!", vbCritical
End Sub