
时间:2019-06-11 13:06:37

标签: phpmailer

无法调用新的PHPMailer,并且未创建PHPMailer的实例。 $ mail-> SMTPDebug的设置将创建一个stdClass实例,然后在该实例上调用不存在的方法(isSMTP)失败。因此,这完全取决于实例创建失败。 PHPMailer版本6.0.7实时托管服务

我尝试过$ mail = new stdClass();
或$ mail = NULL;这是症状修复,但不是原因,并且导致我的页面在每次加载时发送一封电子邮件。

    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
    require 'PHPMailer/Exception.php';
    require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php';
    require 'PHPMailer/SMTP.php';


    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);

    $mail->SMTPDebug = 2; // 0 = off (for production use) - 1 = client messages - 2 = client and server messages

    $mail->Host = 'mail.email.org'; 
    $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; <-- Recommend by the hosting service 
    $mail->Port = 465; <-- Recommend by the hosting service <--Hosting Service Docs verify this
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = 'Mail@email.org';
    $mail->Password = 'Using the correct Password'; 

    $to = 'Mail@email.org'; <-- sending this to myself
    $from = 'Mail@email.org'; <--sending to myself

    $first_name = ((isset($_POST['FirstName']))&&(!is_null($_POST['FirstName'])))? $_POST['FirstName']:'';
    $last_name = ((isset($_POST['LastName']))&&(!is_null($_POST['LastName'])))? $_POST['LastName']:'';
    $email = ((isset($_POST['Email']))&&(!is_null($_POST['Email'])))? $_POST['Email']:'';
    $age = ((isset($_POST['Age']))&&(!is_null($_POST['Age'])))? $_POST['Age']:'';
    $student = ((isset($_POST['Student']))&&(!is_null($_POST['Student'])))? $_POST['Student']:'';
    $agree18 = ((isset($_POST['Agree18']))&&(!is_null($_POST['Agree18'])))? $_POST['Agree18']:'';

   /* Set the mail sender. */
    $mail->setFrom( $to , 'Research');

   /* Add a recipient. */
    $mail->addAddress( $_POST['Email'] , 'Research');
   /* Set the subject. */
    $mail->Subject = 'Learn More about Research Requested';

    $mail->Body = '<html> "First Name:" . $first_name . " Last Name:" . $last_name .  " Email:". $email . " Age:" . $age . " Student:" . $student . " Agree18:" . $agree18 . ""

    $mail->AltBody = ' "First Name:" . $first_name . " Last Name:" . $last_name .  " Email:". $email . " Age:" . $age . " Student:" . $student . " Agree18:" . $agree18 . ""


      $msg="Your email msg has been send";


       $msg="mail msg has not been send"; 
       echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;



object(PHPMailer \ PHPMailer \ PHPMailer)#1(74){[“ Priority”] => NULL [“ CharSet”] => string(10)“ iso-8859-1” [“ ContentType”] => string(10)“ text / plain” [“ Encoding”] => string(4)“ 8bit” [“ ErrorInfo”] => string(0)“” [“ From”] => string(14)“ root @ localhost“ [” FromName“] =>字符串(9)” Root User“ [” Sender“] =>字符串(0)”“ [” Subject“] =>字符串(0)”“ [” Body“] => string(0)“” [“ [AltBody”] => string(0)“” [“ Ical”] => string(0)“” [“ MIMEBody”:受保护] =>字符串(0)“” [“ MIMEHeader”:受保护] =>字符串(0)“” [“ mailHeader”:受保护] =>字符串(0)“” [“ WordWrap”] => int(0)[“ Mailer”] =>字符串(4)“ mail” [“ Sendmail”] =>字符串(18)“ / usr / sbin / sendmail” [“ UseSendmailOptions”] => bool(true) [“ ConfirmReadingTo”] =>字符串(0)“” [“主机名”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ MessageID”] =>字符串(0)“” [“” MessageDate“] =>字符串(0) “” [“主机”] =>字符串(9)“本地主机” [“端口”] => int(25) “ Helo”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ SMTPSecure”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ SMTPAutoTLS”] => bool(true)[“ SMTPAuth”] => bool(false)[“ SMTPOptions “] =>数组(0){} [”用户名“] =>字符串(0)”“ [[”密码“] =>字符串(0)”“ [” AuthType“] =>字符串(0)”“ [ “ oauth”:protected] => NULL [“ Timeout”] => int(300)[“ dsn”] => string(0)“” [“ SMTPDebug”] => int(0)[“ Debugoutput”] = >字符串(4)“ html” [“ SMTPKeepAlive”] => bool(false)[“ SingleTo”] => bool(false) [“ SingleToArray”:受保护] =>数组(0){} [“ do_verp”] => bool(false)[“ AllowEmpty”] => bool(false)[“ DKIM_selector”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ DKIM_identity”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ [DKIM_passphrase”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ DKIM_domain”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ DKIM_copyHeaderFields”] => bool(true) [“ DKIM_extraHeaders”] =>数组(0){} [“ DKIM_private”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ [DKIM_private_string”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ action_function”] =>字符串(0) ” “ XMailer”] =>字符串(0)“” [“ smtp”:protected] => NULL [“ to”:protected] => array(0){} [“ cc”:protected] => array(0) {} [“ bcc”:protected] => array(0){} [“ ReplyTo”:protected] => array(0){} [“ all_recipients”:protected] => array(0){} [“ RecipientsQueue “:protected] => array(0){} [” ReplyToQueue“:protected] => array(0){} [” attachment“:protected] => array(0){} [” CustomHeader“:protected] = >数组(0){} “ lastMessageID”:受保护] =>字符串(0)“” [“”消息类型“:受保护] =>字符串(0)”“ [”边界“:受保护] => array(0){} [”语言“:受保护] =>数组(0){} [“ error_count”:受保护] => int(0)[“ sign_cert_file”:受保护] =>字符串(0)“” [“ sign_key_file”:受保护] =>字符串(0) “” [“ sign_extracerts_file”:受保护] =>字符串(0)“” [“ [” sign_key_pass“:受保护] =>字符串(0)”“ [”“”“]”>“保护] =>字符串(0)“”

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    //                      ^^
    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);

    $mail->SMTPDebug = 2; // 0 = off (for production use) - 1 = client messages - 2 = client and server messages
// of course, don'f forget to add a closing one too here.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是your previous question的重复标题,不同。


use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php';
$mail = new PHPMailer;


答案 2 :(得分:0)

已修复<- 感谢Synchro ->并感谢Panthers的帮助

添加了使用PHPMailer \ PHPMailer \ SMTP; <-这解决了我的大部分问题,但Synchro并非总是需要

对于使用PHPMailer 6.0.7的工作示例,请查找Synchro的