我是Go&CQL的新手,我需要以下帮助(在平台上找不到我的问题的答案): 我有一个map [string] interface {},对于此地图中的每个k,v对,我需要检查字段切片中是否存在以k表示的列...如果不存在,请将其添加为新的表的列(具有特定类型,基于值类型)以及值。我正在努力寻找一种获取值类型,将其转换为Cassandra数据类型并将其作为列类型包含在查询字符串中的方法。到目前为止,我的代码如下:
//takes as arguments the map and a slice that holds the columns that are already in the table. Is there
//A fucntion that returns a string to be executed later by //session.Query(...).Exec() to add columns that are missing in the table
func AddColumns(myInterfaceMap map[string]string, fields []string) string {
var columnsToBeAdded []string
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("ALTER TABLE sample_demo.main ADD (")
for k := range myInterfaceMap {
if !contains(fields, k) {
columnsToBeAdded = append(columnsToBeAdded, k)
fields = append(Fields, k)
for idx, column := range columnsToBeAdded {
if idx == (len(columnsToBeAdded) - 1) {
//I need to dynamically specify the column type, depending on value for the
//concrete key...need help how to do it
sb.WriteString(" text)")
} else {
sb.WriteString(" text, ")
return sb.String()