
时间:2019-06-11 10:12:13

标签: arrays mongodb aggregate



{ _id: 1, members: ['1', '3', '5'], status: 'active' }
{ _id: 2, members: ['4', '1', '10', '11'], status: 'inactive' }
{ _id: 3, members: ['1', '2', '9'], status: 'active' }



mongoexport -h localhost:3001 --db mydbname --collection groups --type=csv --fields _id,members --query '{"status": "active"}' --out mongotestoutput.txt


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

先使用Bank: The Enloe State Bank, City: Cooper, State: TX, Closing Date: May 31, 2019, Cert #: 10716, Acquiring Inst: Legend Bank, N. A. Bank: Washington Federal Bank for Savings, City: Chicago, State: IL, Closing Date: December 15, 2017, Cert #: 30570, Acquiring Inst: Royal Savings Bank Bank: The Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Argonia, City: Argonia, State: KS, Closing Date: October 13, 2017, Cert #: 17719, Acquiring Inst: Conway Bank Bank: Fayette County Bank, City: Saint Elmo, State: IL, Closing Date: May 26, 2017, Cert #: 1802, Acquiring Inst: United Fidelity Bank, fsb Bank: Guaranty Bank, (d/b/a BestBank in Georgia & Michigan) , City: Milwaukee, State: WI, Closing Date: May 5, 2017, Cert #: 30003, Acquiring Inst: First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company Bank: First NBC Bank, City: New Orleans, State: LA, Closing Date: April 28, 2017, Cert #: 58302, Acquiring Inst: Whitney Bank Bank: Proficio Bank, City: Cottonwood Heights, State: UT, Closing Date: March 3, 2017, Cert #: 35495, Acquiring Inst: Cache Valley Bank 进行聚合,然后使用$unwind来创建看起来像您需要的新集合。然后将此新集合导出到CSV文件。


db.test1.insertMany([ { _id: 1, members: ['1', '3', '5'], status: 'active' }, { _id: 2, members: ['4', '1', '10', '11'], status: 'inactive' }, { _id: 3, members: ['9'], status: 'active' } ]) 此处和下方用于禁止_id字段


或者,如果您需要按数组中的状态获取成员,请添加另一个db.test1.aggregate([ {$unwind: "$members"}, {$project:{_id:0}}, {$out:"test2"} ]) db.test2.find({},{_id:0}) { "members" : "1", "status" : "active" } { "members" : "3", "status" : "active" } { "members" : "5", "status" : "active" } { "members" : "4", "status" : "inactive" } { "members" : "1", "status" : "inactive" } { "members" : "10", "status" : "inactive" } { "members" : "11", "status" : "inactive" } { "members" : "9", "status" : "active" } $group阶段:



答案 1 :(得分:0)

This question显示了两种获得所需结果的方法。可接受的答案使用push,reduce和setUnion。较新的答案更简单,使用unwind和addToSet。两者都对我有用,但是我要使用更简单的版本:

  { $match: { "status": "active" },
  { $unwind: "$members"},
  { $group:{
     _id: 0,
     selectedMembers: { $addToSet: '$members' }      
