使用Azure Powershell模块Add-AzureRMVhd上载vhd导致上载的vhd大小为2gb。
Add-AzureRmVhd -LocalFilePath $sourceVHD -Destination $destinationVHD -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -NumberOfUploaderThreads 5
az storage blob upload --account-name tstorage --container-name tcontainer --file /home/azure/images/test.vhd --name test.vhd --type page
我可以使用2gb vhd来创建映像,但是不能使用90mb。
反正有没有用AZ cli执行powershell模块的功能?
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我尝试了以下命令,该命令对我有用,请尝试遵循此命令,并使用Azure CLI查看它是否对您有用
# Create a resource group
az group create -n myResourceGroup -l westus
# Create the storage account to upload the vhd
az storage account create -g myResourceGroup -n mystorageaccount -l westus --sku PREMIUM_LRS
# Get a storage key for the storage account
STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list -g myResourceGroup -n mystorageaccount --query "[?keyName=='key1'] | [0].value" -o tsv)
# Create the container for the vhd
az storage container create -n vhds --account-name mystorageaccount --account-key ${STORAGE_KEY}
# Upload the vhd to a blob
az storage blob upload -c vhds -f ~/sample.vhd -n sample.vhd --account-name mystorageaccount --account-key ${STORAGE_KEY}
# Create the vm from the vhd
az vm create -g myResourceGroup -n myVM --image "https://myStorageAccount.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/sample.vhd" \
--os-type linux --admin-username deploy --generate-ssh-keys
# Update the deploy user with your ssh key
az vm user update --resource-group myResourceGroup -n custom-vm -u deploy --ssh-key-value "$(< ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)"
# Get public IP address for the VM
IP_ADDRESS=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g az-cli-vhd -n custom-vm \
--query "[0].virtualMachine.network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress" -o tsv)
echo "You can now connect using 'ssh deploy@${IP_ADDRESS}'"