我正在使用spring mvc和spring jpa构建用于数据库连接的静态API。 我需要创建一个get api,该API可以基于filterString(作为查询参数传递给GET请求的结果)过滤结果。
用于过滤员工对象的GET api示例为
http://localhost:8080/api/v1/employee?filter="(firstName eq john) and (lastName eq doe) or (empId eq 123)"
当前,我通过使用regX解析filterString并从中创建“ spring jpa Specification”对象来实现此目标
public List<Employee> searchEmployee(String filter) throws Exception {
// filter = "/"(firstName eq john) and (lastName eq doe) or (empId eq 123)/""
// remove the " characters from start and end
filter = filter.replaceAll("^\"|\"$", "");
// spit the string basis of and/or
String[] value = filter.split("(((?<=or)|(?=or)))|(((?<=and)|(?=and)))");
Specification specs = null;
String op = null;
for (String f : value) {
if (!"or".equalsIgnoreCase(f) && !"and".equalsIgnoreCase(f)) {
String[] p = f.trim().split("\\s{1,}");
if (p != null && p.length == 3) {
EmployeeSpecification es = new EmployeeSpecification(new SearchCriteria(p[0], p[1], p[2]));
if (specs == null ) {
specs = Specification.where(es);
} else {
if ("or".equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
specs = specs.or(es);
} else if ("or".equalsIgnoreCase(op)) {
specs = specs.and(es);
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid search criteria");
} else {
op = f;
List<Employee> l = empDao.findAll(specs);
return l;
我已经看到许多支持此类过滤的REST api。 谁能建议在RESt服务器端实现过滤的最佳方法是什么?