我当前的计划是添加一个新命令,该命令接受具有对象适当属性的JSON文件。 JSON文件中的每个对象都会被循环,并且CLI将使用JSON文件中的适当值调用现有命令。
我目前的想法是在现有的添加项命令中检测是否直接调用了该命令,还是由批量添加命令调用了该命令。 Click可以做到吗?
def additem(attribute1, attribute2):
add_via_api(attribute1, attribute2)
# This is going to take 10-15 seconds for everything to set up
# so show a progressbar here normally, just sleep for this example
# I want to detect right here though, so I can not sleep if this is a
# bulk insert
@click.arugment('f', type=click.File(exists=True))
def bulkadditems(ctx, f):
with open(f) as items_file:
items = json.load(items_file)
for item in items:
ctx.invoke(additem, attribute1=item['attribute1'], attribute2=item['attribute2'])
# Once all items have invoked the other command, this is where I want
# a progress bar