
时间:2019-06-09 20:11:23

标签: image image-processing


Example of captcha

我看过opencv sticher类,但这似乎仅适用于创建“全景图像”,在该图像中,图像的边缘应该粘在一起。该解决方案可能涉及某种形状检测,以查看零件将要放在哪里,然后检查零件是否“适合”上下文。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 确定密钥
  2. 掩盖钥匙孔
  3. 猜猜钥匙孔中应该放什么(使用inpaint)
  4. 比较key + keyhole和Inpaint图片

最佳的匹配将发生在Inpaint猜测和key + keyhole图像之间的差异最小的位置。此.gif说明 fitting a key to a keyhole


import cv2
import numpy as np

# Read image
img = cv2.imread('/home/stephen/Desktop/capcha.png')
# Get key and mask of key
key = img[567:700, 145:234]
lower, upper = np.array([0,0,0]),np.array([101,255,255])
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(key, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
key_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper)
key = cv2.bitwise_and(key, key, mask = key_mask)
kernel = np.ones((20,20), np.uint8)
# Create a dilated mask so the key will surely fill keyhole
dilated_key_mask = key_mask.copy()
cv2.morphologyEx(dilated_key_mask, cv2.MORPH_DILATE, kernel)

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/189943/how-can-i-quantify-difference-between-two-images
from scipy.misc import imread
from scipy.linalg import norm
from scipy import sum, average

def compare_images(img1, img2):
    # normalize to compensate for exposure difference, this may be unnecessary
    # consider disabling it
    img1 = normalize(img1)
    img2 = normalize(img2)
    # calculate the difference and its norms
    diff = img1 - img2  # elementwise for scipy arrays
    m_norm = sum(abs(diff))  # Manhattan norm
    z_norm = norm(diff.ravel(), 0)  # Zero norm
    return (m_norm, z_norm)

def to_grayscale(arr):
    "If arr is a color image (3D array), convert it to grayscale (2D array)."
    if len(arr.shape) == 3:
        return average(arr, -1)  # average over the last axis (color channels)
        return arr

def normalize(arr):
    rng = arr.max()-arr.min()
    amin = arr.min()
    return (arr-amin)*255/rng

# Scan through the image
h, w, _ = img.shape
dh, dw, _ = key.shape
close_diff = h*w

graph = np.zeros((300,600,3), np.uint8)
for row in range(h-dh):
    for col in range(w-dw):
        # Create a mask of the image with the key missing
        img_temp = img.copy()
        img_mask = np.zeros((h,w), np.uint8)
        img_mask[row:row+dh, col:col+dw] = dilated_key_mask
        img_temp = cv2.bitwise_and(img_temp, img_temp, mask = 255-img_mask)
        # Inpaint to guess what should be there
        inpaint = cv2.inpaint(img_temp,img_mask,3,cv2.INPAINT_TELEA)
        # Mask the key of the image 
        actual = img_temp.copy()
        actual[row:row+dh, col:col+dw] += key

        # Compare the images
        img1 = to_grayscale(inpaint)
        img2 = to_grayscale(actual)
        _, difference = compare_images(img1, img2)

        cv2.imshow('inpaint', inpaint)
        cv2.imshow('actual', actual)

        if difference < close_diff:
            close_diff = difference
            best_fit = row, col
