
时间:2019-06-09 15:17:45

标签: python python-3.x for-loop


"The train will leave at 13:36"
"The train will leave at 13:56"
"The train will leave at 14:16"
"The train will leave at 14:36"
"The train will leave at 14:56"
"The train will leave at 15:16"
etc. etc...


h = 13 
m = 36

for i in range(5):
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))
    m = m + 20

    if 60 <= m:
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))
    h = h+1
    m = m-60+20


The train will leave at 13:36 
The train will leave at 13:56 
The train will leave at 14:16 
The train will leave at 14:36 
The train will leave at 15:-4 
The train will leave at 15:16 
The train will leave at 16:-24 
The train will leave at 16:-4
The train will leave at 17:-44
The train will leave at 17:-24


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用binary arithmetic operations处理分钟和小时,即模运算符%和楼层划分//

h = 13 
m = 36

for i in range(10):
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))
    h = h+((m+20)//60)
    m = (m+20)%60
    if h == 24:
        h = 0


答案 1 :(得分:1)


from datetime import timedelta, datetime

t = datetime(hour=13, minute=36, year=2019, month=6, day=9)

for i in range(5):
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(t.hour,t.minute))
    t += timedelta(minutes=20)


The train will leave at 13:36 
The train will leave at 13:56 
The train will leave at 14:16 
The train will leave at 14:36 
The train will leave at 14:56 

答案 2 :(得分:0)


h = 13 
m = 36

for i in range(5):
    if 60 <= m:
        m = m-60
        h = h+1
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))       
    m = m + 20

# The train will leave at 13:36 
# The train will leave at 13:56 
# The train will leave at 14:16 
# The train will leave at 14:36 
# The train will leave at 14:56     

答案 3 :(得分:0)


%运算符是modulo operator,您可以轻松地将其视为提供左操作数与右操作数之间除法运算余数的运算符。 如果您在大学里做过一些群论或抽象代数,则定义此运算符的技巧可能会更多。

基本上从给定的分钟开始,然后增加20分钟。只要分钟数超过60分钟,我们就需要增加小时数。但是我们需要重置分钟数。因此,m首次达到76时,我们将其重新设置为76 - (1 * 60) = 16。请注意,m永远不会超过120,除非从get go开始将其设置为大于99的数字。


h = 13 
m = 36

for i in range(5):
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))
    m = m + 20
    if  m >= 60:
        h += 1
        m = m % 60


# The train will leave at 13:36 
# The train will leave at 13:56 
# The train will leave at 14:16 
# The train will leave at 14:36 
# The train will leave at 14:56 

但是您可能还应该考虑h何时超过24。所以if h >= 24: h = 0


答案 4 :(得分:0)


h = 15 
m = 53

for i in range(5):
    print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))
    m = m + 20
    if m >= 60:
        h = h+1
        print("The train will leave at {}:{} ".format(h,m))
        m = m + 20


The train will leave at 15:53 
The train will leave at 16:13 
The train will leave at 16:33 
The train will leave at 16:53 
The train will leave at 17:13 
The train will leave at 17:33 
The train will leave at 17:53 
The train will leave at 18:13