
时间:2019-06-08 03:24:23

标签: matlab image-processing 3d


  • 我有一个3D图像,然后乘以一个逻辑蒙版。
  • 我找到了这个新图像的所有非0值,并提取了数据。 (下面的代码)
  •   然后,我将数据关联起来(每个体素与一个不同的变量相对应),现在我有了一个变量,可以说有7000个体素   报告相关系数​​大于0到500,000   不存在的体素。 (不包括代码)   
  • 将那些大于0的相关体素分配为1,其余的分配为0。(下面的代码)
  • 我现在的目标是查看原始3D(NIFTI格式)图像,该图像在具有相关体素的区域中以较亮的对比度覆盖。


%% Loop through images, collecting index values in WhiteMatter areas

for a = 1:length(FA_MNI_dir) %282

    %% Load FA image
    FAdir = load_untouch_nii([FA_MNI_dir(a).folder '\' FA_MNI_dir(a).name]);
    FAimg = FAdir.img;

    %% Reshape FA image into MNI mask size 
    FA_reshape = imresize3(FAimg,2); % 2 for double the dimensions

    % view to check image alignment
    imshowpair(squeeze(FA_reshape(:,:,95)),squeeze(FA_Whitematter(:,:,95))) % they overlap = good fit

    %% Multiply FA and WhiteMatter mask
    FA_Whitematter = (FA_reshape .* WhiteMatter_MNI152_img);

    %% Get voxel values in FA
    indecies_FA_white = find(FA_Whitematter ~= 0); %find the indecies where FA_WM is not 0
    FA_White_Values = double(FA_Whitematter(indecies_FA_white)); %find the values within those indecies

    %% Save indecies per subject
    FA_allSubj{a} = FA_White_Values; 

%%  1 if relative voxel is a positive or a negative correlation and 0 for every other voxel 

Signf_corrNeg = corr_NM_voxel_i < -0.15;
Signf_corrPos = corr_NM_voxel_i > 0.15;

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