当我获得足够的积分后购买了ant按钮时,应该减少总cookie /积分的费用,然后将费用更新为更多。我也希望设置setinterval,但是如果我可以正确更新价格,那将是一个很大的帮助
<title> Basic Clicker</title>
a {
text-align: center;
<span id="cookies">0</span>
<br />
<span id="rebirths">0</span>
<br />
<button onclick="cookieClick()">Click Me!</button>
<br />
Cost: 10mp <button id="BigClickBtn"
<br />
Cost: <span id="antCost">10</span> <button
onclick="buyAnt()" id="antCostBtn" >Buy Ant</button>
<br />
var cookies = window.parent.loadAsNumber("cookies");
document.getElementById('cookies').innerHTML = cookies;
function cookieClick() {
cookies = cookies + Strength;
document.getElementById("cookies").innerHTML = cookies;
window.parent.saveDefault("cookies", cookies);
var ants = 0;
var antInterval;
function buyAnt() {
var antCost = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, ants));
if (cookies >= antCost) {
cookies = cookies - antCost;
ants = ants +1;
document.getElementById("cookies").innerHTML = cookies;
document.getElementById("antCost").innerHTML = antCost;
document.getElementById("ants").innerHTML = ants;
var nextCost1 = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, ants));
document.getElementById("antCost").innerHTML = nextCost1;
//if (turtleChecked && TurtleCexp < TurtleMexp) {
//turtleInterval = setInterval(function () {
// turtleXpUp(turtleChecked); }, 200);
// cookies = cookies + 1;
// document.getElementById("cookies").innerHTML = cookies;
// }
var rebirths = 0;
var HitPoints = 0;
var ManaPoints = 0;
var SkillPoints = window.parent.loadAsNumber("SkillPoints");
document.getElementById('SkillPoints').innerHTML = SkillPoints;
var Strength = 1;
function buyRebirth() {
var rebirthCost = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, rebirths));
if (cookies >= rebirthCost && rebirths < 1) {
cookies = 0;
HitPoints = HitPoints + 10;
ManaPoints = ManaPoints + 10;
SkillPoints = SkillPoints + 1;
rebirths = rebirths + 1;
document.getElementById("rebirths").innerHTML = rebirths;
document.getElementById("cookies").innerHTML = cookies;
document.getElementById("HitPoints").innerHTML = HitPoints;
document.getElementById("ManaPoints").innerHTML = ManaPoints;
document.getElementById("rebirthCost").innerHTML = rebirthCost;
document.getElementById("SkillPoints").innerHTML = SkillPoints;
if (cookies >= rebirthCost)
if (rebirths >= 1) {
cookies = 0;
rebirths = rebirths + 1;
SkillPoints = SkillPoints + 1;
document.getElementById('cookies').innerHTML = cookies;
document.getElementById("rebirthCost").innerHTML = rebirthCost;
document.getElementById("rebirths").innerHTML = rebirths;
document.getElementById("SkillPoints").innerHTML = SkillPoints;
var nextCost5 = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, rebirths));
document.getElementById('rebirthCost').innerHTML = nextCost5;
window.parent.saveDefault("cookies", cookies);
window.parent.saveDefault("SkillPoints", SkillPoints);
我希望您在以10的价格购买Ant按钮后将价格从10更改为下一个价格,并将cookie设为cookie-antCost。但是我买按钮后的实际结果是价格保持在10,并且没有更新。我真的很困惑,因为我认为我对如何制造可购买的东西不屑一顾。最下面的部分是我尝试设定一个固定的时间间隔,当您购买该东西时,您的cookie量开始每秒增加1。忽略乌龟的东西。如果有人可以给我一个有效的setinterval id,请多谢。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
<title> Basic Clicker</title>
a {
text-align: center;
Ants: <span id="ants">0</span>
Cookies: <span id="cookies">0</span>
Rebirths: <span id="rebirths">0</span>
<button onclick="cookieClick()">Cookie click</button>
Cost: <span id="antCost">10</span>
<button onclick="buyAnt()" id="antCostBtn" >Buy Ant</button>
// It is a good practice to define variables for all HTML objects
// you will need to reference in your code to keep all references
// at one place
const cookiesHTML = document.getElementById("cookies")
const antCostHTML = document.getElementById("antCost")
const antsHTML = document.getElementById("ants")
// Also it is a good practice to declare all variables used
// within a particular block of code in advace (incl. initial values)
// to make your code more readable
let strength = 5
let cookies = 0
let ants = 0
// It is better to memorize also the antCost globally
let antCost = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, ants))
// Here you initialize any values previously set into your HTML
// elements on the screen
cookiesHTML.innerHTML = cookies
antCostHTML.innerHTML = antCost
antsHTML.innerHTML = ants
// This function is called when a "Cookie click" button is clicked
function cookieClick() {
cookies = cookies + strength
cookiesHTML.innerHTML = cookies
// This function is called when an Ant is bought
function buyAnt() {
// The following line is not needed as we have initialized the antCost at the beginning
// let antCost = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, ants));
if (cookies >= antCost) {
setCookies(cookies - antCost)
// cookies = cookies - antCost
ants = ants +1
// cookiesHTML.innerHTML = cookies
antCostHTML.innerHTML = antCost
antsHTML.innerHTML = ants
antCost = Math.floor(10 * Math.pow(1.1, ants))
antCostHTML.innerHTML = antCost
// Typically it is better to create a separate function for setting a value
// when such setting needs to perform multiple actions.
// This setter will update your variable value in Javascript
// also also will handle update of the HTML element for you.
// I give this as an example for this one variable, you should
// however use it for all variables in your case.
function setCookies(value) {
cookies = value
cookiesHTML.innerHTML = value