int main()
const float adult_haircut = 15.50, child_haircut = 10.50; // haircut
prices without discount
int coupon; // the coupon the user has
cout << "Please enter the number corresponding to the coupon color your
have. If you have no coupon then enter 3 for none. \n";
cout << "1 - Green \n";
cout << "2 - Blue \n";
cout << "3 - None \n";
cin >> coupon; // reads coupon color and stores it in the variable
// while loop tests for valid data input
while (coupon < 1 || coupon > 3)
cout << "Not a valid choice, please enter the number corresponding to
the coupon color your have. If you have no coupon then enter 3 for
none. \n";
cout << "1 - Green \n";
cout << "2 - Blue \n";
cout << "3 - None \n";
cin >> coupon; // reads coupon color and stores it in the variable